Here is a small addition to Couch's suite of PayPal tools.

The paypal_donate tag is a lot like the paypal_button tag which it's based on, but it's a little simpler. Unlike the paypal_button tag, paypal_donate does not require a clonable template or expect any external variables. All necessary information is passed through optional parameters of the tag.

At it's simplest, <cms:paypal_donate /> can be used anywhere so long as the Paypal credentials are configured in couch/config.php.

This tag can be used together with the paypal_processor tag. See Core Concepts - PayPal for a detailed discussion.


Set this to the name of the organization, fund, or campaign, or the purpose of the donation. The paypal_processor returns this value as 'pp_item_name'.

An optional field for specifying donation details. The paypal_processor returns this value as 'pp_item_number'.
Code: Select all
<cms:paypal_donate purpose='A Great Cause' reference='Spring Gala' />

Specify an amount or leave it empty to allow donors to enter any amount on the PayPal website.

This parameter is used to set the image used as the button.
You can either choose to use an image of your own or you may use one of the buttons made available by PayPal. Alternatively, you can use an ordinary submit button and style it with CSS.

Using your own image -
Code: Select all
<cms:paypal_donate image="<cms:show k_site_link />/images/my_button.gif" />

Using PayPal provided images -
To use these images, set the image parameter to a number ranging from 0 to 6.
Code: Select all
<cms:paypal_donate image='3' />

If not specified, '0' is the default. The numbers represent the following images -
pp-donate-buttons.jpg (30.47 KiB) Viewed 4434 times

Creating a CSS button -
Provide the image parameter with a string in the form of "css:My Custom Text". This will create an html submit button with the value "My Custom Text". The cms:paypal_donate tag accepts an id and/or classes which will be attached to the button so that you can apply styles; id and class names can be used on image buttons as well.
Code: Select all
<cms:paypal_donate image="css:Donate Now" id="donate-button" class="button" />

The generated button provides PayPal with a link to the page that will process the IPN sent by it. By default this will be the link of the page the button is located on. If you have placed the paypal_processor tag, that handles the IPN, on some other page, set that page's link as this parameter.

This is a pass-through variable for your own purposes. Donors won't see it.

This tag is self-closing and does not set any variables of its own.

Installing the Custom Tag:
Download and unzip the file. Place the unzipped folder in your couch/addons/ folder. Register the tag by adding a line of code to couch/addons/kfunctions.php.
Code: Select all
require_once( K_COUCH_DIR.'addons/paypal_donate/paypal_donate.php' ); ... pal_donate
