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@KK, just one:

Code: Select all
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

If this is an issue, I believe I can take it out.
That is unlikely to be the reason but you can try rectifying it and see if it helps.

If you'd like me to take a look at the issue, feel free to PM me the access creds.
Thanks for the creds @jsonicx9.
The FTP creds did not work ("Error: The country you are connecting from is not in your country list, please add it in your control panel.") but those for the admin-panel did.

From what I could test, here is what seems to be happening -
when a page is saved for the first time, the thumbnail gets created without any problem.
Now whenever 'recreate thumbnail' is clicked to crop and create a revised version of the thumbnail, the new version does show up but as soon as you hit 'save' the refreshed page reverts back to the older version of the thumbnail.

This is happening because your web-host (Cloudflare?) is caching all images very aggressively.
Although the thumbnail image gets replaced with newer versions, the host insists upon delivering the version it cached at the very first save.

I think this situation can be rectified for the admin-panel by appending the following lines to couch/config.php
Code: Select all
if ( defined('K_ADMIN') ){
    // HTTP headers for no cache
    header( "Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );
    header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT" );
    header( "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate" );
    header( "Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false );
    header( "Pragma: no-cache" );

However, I'm not sure how to tackle it on the front-end (i.e. I think, your site will still show the first version of the thumbnail only).

I suggest you talk to your host and ask for their suggested solution for this issue.

Yeah, it didn't work. I'll try to get in contact with my web host, though.

In the meantime, I've opened up access to my FTP server to you. Sorry for the dilemma. You can take a look in there now, see if anything's irregular.
If it is an issue with Cloudflare caching, you can go to your Cloudflare control panel and clear the cache there. There is also a "development mode" you can activate while working on your site to help prevent problems.
@tim, for whatever reason, that didn't work for me, either.

My web host (Altervista) just has forums, so getting a good, straight answer there won't be easy - especially since the English version of the site is just translated from the original Italian version.

Is there anyone who works with Altervista that also works with CouchCMS? (Pretty niche, I know.)
Please help me!

I'm from Brazil and use the couch shortly. I am creating a website for a client.

I'm trying to use this resource that was created and what my client needs.
when I enter the adm and will enter the page historia.php he loses css and error.
but it giving a error please help me!

thank you!

<cms:editable name='my_imagethumb' type='jcropthumb' assoc_field='image_1' desc='will be created automatically' width='200' show_preview='1' />

on page historia.php

<img class="align-left" src="<cms:show my_imagethumb/>" alt="" style="opacity: 1;">

I followed all the steps to put everything in addons and kfunctions.php

this error giving more help!



From the screenshot we can see that the following PHP error is being thrown -
Fatal error: Call to member function get_data() on non-object ..

The most probable cause for this error is that you are using an older version of Couch which is incompatible with JCropThumb addon (requires at least Couch 1.4.5).

Please upgrade to the latest version of Couch available at

Hope it helps.
I followed all the steps it's all right.
I updated the coach to new version even more giving this error.
more this error persists.
Would you help me? :( :( :(
@IdealSolucoes, your installation seems to be on your local machine so, I'm afraid, there is little I can do to step in and help you.

I suggest you please move over to a proper hosted server. Chances are the problem you mentioned won't crop up there. And if does, please feel free to PM me the FTP+Couch access creds to the site and I'll login to see what could be going wrong.

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