Coded something up in Couch in an interesting way? Have a snippet or shortcode to share? Post it here for the community to benefit.
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Hi, I've got a question about using the dynamic sitemap. I've used it on numerous sites, and it works great. But I've come up against a problem, and I can't seem to solve it (might just be tired!)

I'm using this code:
Code: Select all
<cms:templates order='asc' >
   <cms:if (k_template_name eq 'sitemap.php') || (k_template_name eq 'global.php')>
      <cms:else />
      <cms:if k_template_name eq 'index.php' >........

Code cut short for brevity :)

The site I am working on has an option in couch to hide the page from the site navigation - If the user doesn't want the public to see the "about" page, they would select "No" from a dropdown in global.php. It still "exists", it just isn't accessible from the main navigation - and as such I wouldn't want it indexed.

My question is, how would I then incorporate this into the sitemap? I've tried this:
Code: Select all
<cms:pages masterpage="global.php">
        <cms:if view_about ="yes"><cms:set a_str=""  scope='global'/><cms:else /><cms:set a_str=" || (k_template_name eq 'about.php')"  scope='global'/></cms:if>
<cms:templates order='asc' >
  <cms:if (k_template_name eq 'sitemap.php') || (k_template_name eq 'global.php' a_str>

And this:
Code: Select all
<cms:if (k_template_name eq 'sitemap.php') || (k_template_name eq 'global.php' <cms:show a_str />>

But obviously couch doesn't like me putting variable inside the "if". Is there any way around this?
I've been working all day, so apologies if I'm missing something obvious here.

Go with this:

Code: Select all
<cms:pages masterpage="global.php">
        <cms:if view_about = "yes"><cms:set a_str="0"  scope='global'/><cms:else /><cms:set a_str="1"  scope='global'/></cms:if>
<cms:templates order='asc' >
  <cms:if (k_template_name eq 'sitemap.php') || (k_template_name eq 'global.php' ) || a_str >
Thanks trendoman, I'll have a look at it tomorrow. Gave up for the day a while ago!
I started to have a go at this again yesterday, but then noticed that there had been a new sitemap template designed by bartonsweb which pretty much does what I need.

Couch is great!
Yeah, that is an awesome option for what you need :-) Right in time.
Hey there,

Today I noticed that sitemap is showing all cms:mosaic and cms:globals tag's elements as a page. My Sitemap is like this:
Code: Select all
<?php require_once( 'couch/cms.php' ); ?>
<cms:content_type 'text/xml' /><cms:concat '<' '?xml version="1.0" encoding="' k_site_charset '"?' '>' />
   <cms:templates order='asc' >
   <cms:if k_template_name!='globals.php'>
        <loc><cms:show k_template_link /></loc>
    <cms:folders masterpage=k_template_name>
            <loc><cms:show k_folder_link /></loc>
    <cms:if k_template_is_clonable >
        <cms:pages masterpage=k_template_name>
               <loc><cms:show k_page_link /></loc>
               <lastmod><cms:date "<cms:if k_page_modification_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00'><cms:show k_page_date /><cms:else /><cms:show k_page_modification_date /></cms:if>" format='Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00' gmt='1' /></lastmod>

<?php COUCH::invoke(); ?>

How can I solve this problem?
Please use the current version of Couch available form GitHub (
As it happens, this problem was rectified just three days back :)

Hope this helps.
Hey KK,
I see that version of Couch which is available in Github is 2.0 but I am using 2.1 beta right now. When I use version 2.0, will cms:mosaic and cms:globals tags be available?
On, click the 'Clone or download' dropdown on right and then 'Download zip'.
That is the 2.1 beta with most recent commits.

Hope this helps.
Hey KK
I installed the version in Github and It worked. Thank you so much :)
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