KK » Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:55 am
The sad reality is that every captcha out there (be it securimage or Google's reCaptcha) has ceased to be effective. Spammers now have bots that can break every single of them.
Our forum also was hit by a spate of spam recently and we had to manually clear literally hundreds of spams on a daily basis. None of the captcha that ships with the forum software had any effect whatsoever.
We experimented with several different ways and finally what proved to be the most effective method of thwarting bots was the 'Answer this question' method.
Our spam level fell from several hundreds a day to a drastic one or two in several days!
Fighting spambots:All forms created by Couch (the comment submission form included) can easily use this kind of question challenge instead of a captcha. Here is the code to create one within a form
- Code: Select all
<label class="required" for="human">Are you human? Is sky blue or green? (4 characters required) <em>* <cms:if k_error_human>Please answer the question</cms:if></em></label>
<cms:input type="text" required='1' validator='regex=/^blue$/i' class="input-text required-entry" id="human" name="human"/>
The question above is: Are you human? Is sky blue or green? (4 characters required)
To check the answer, we use
required='1' validator='regex=/^blue$/i'
Of course, with a little more effort you can have an array of questions (can even use repeatable regions or cloned pages for storing the questions) and then display them randomly.
For our purpose we have found a fixed question good enough to fight off bots.
Fighting human spammers:The above method will keep bots away but, understandably, nothing can prevent actual human spammers from successfully submitting forms.
To keep human spammers at bay, we deployed a second line of defense - wonderful site maintains a list of spammers active around the Internet and provides a free service using which we can submit a user's name, email & IP address and the service will reply back if the user exists in their spammer's list. Brilliant.
I have created an utility script for Couch users that can be used with all forms (including comments) to very easily check with the status of the user submitting a form.
This is how we use it:
IMP: This script requires PHP5 and at least Couchv1.3RC1 (currently downloadable from
1. Download the attached below and unzip it to extract the stopforumspam.php contained within.
2. Place stopforumspam.php within the 'addons' folder of your couch installation folder.
3. Edit kfunctions.php present in your main site (if this file is not present please see ... codes.html where its use is discussed and a sample file is available for download and use) and add the following highlighted line of code somewhere at the top
if ( !defined('K_COUCH_DIR') ) die(); // cannot be loaded directly
require_once( K_COUCH_DIR.'addons/stopforumspam.php' );
This will now make stopforumspam.php a part of Couch's code.
If you are wondering what this stopforumspam.php does - it actually defines a custom tag named
stop_spam for us. The following step shows how to use this tag.
4. In the comment form, suppose following is the portion of code where we check if the form has been successfully submitted and then take appropriate action (for comments, we use <cms:process_comment /> to store the comment in database) -
- Code: Select all
<cms:form method="post" class="k_form">
<cms:if k_success >
<cms:process_comment />
immediately before taking the action on successful form submission (using <cms:process_comment /> in above example), insert the
<cms:stop_spam /> tag -
- Code: Select all
<cms:form method="post" class="k_form">
<cms:if k_success >
<cms:stop_spam />
<cms:process_comment />
And that is it.
The tag will contact and inquire about the status of the user making the submission. If the result flags the user as a spammer - the process is terminated with a message.
For testing purpose, try using the tag providing it with all the parameters manually this way
- Code: Select all
<cms:if k_success >
<cms:stop_spam 'Zac21' '' '' />
<cms:process_comment />
In the code above we have manually set the username, email and IP address of a known spammer. Try submitting a comment to see what happens.
If you wish to receive an email whenever this tag stops a spammer, please find and edit the following lines in stopforumspam.php
/* Send out an email if someone is rejected? */
var $send_email = FALSE; // make it TRUE if you wish to receive an email if a spammer is stopped
var $email_address =
''; // set this to the account receiving the email
Hope these steps help. Do let me know if you happen to require any help.
UPDATE: With Couch v1.4, the DataBound Forms addon ships with a native tag
cms:check_spam that does same job as cms:stop_spam tag mentioned in the discussion above.
For details, please see the 'Handling human spam' section of the addon's documentation at ... forms.html