Coded something up in Couch in an interesting way? Have a snippet or shortcode to share? Post it here for the community to benefit.
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To use <cms:call> with a func, we first need to embed that func code somewhere.

That is no longer necessary with the new addon —

UPDATE: Addon Tweakus Dilectus » "Func-on-demand" has been published, intended to autoload funcs placed in snippets.

What a coincidence, it's 4th of July, congratulations to those who celebrate :)

4thJuly.png (14.64 KiB) Viewed 38221 times
UPDATE: A proper dedicated documentation page at Midware Concepts » Reusable Functions has been published.
A showcase of working with objects PHP-style.

Code: Select all
<!-- create empty object -->
<cms:set obj = '[]' is_json='1' />

<!-- set property -->
<cms:set obj.created = '0' />

<!-- Add magic method to object that changes a property -->
<cms:func _into='obj.__set' property='' value='' _scope='parent'>
    <cms:put var="<cms:concat 'obj.' property />" value=value scope='parent' />

<!-- show property has initial value -->
<cms:show obj.created /> == 0<br>

<!-- invoke method -->
<cms:call_ex obj.__set 'created' '1' />

<!-- show value is changed -->
<cms:show obj.created /> == 1<br>

Magic method :lol:
Magic method indeed, @trendoman :)
Hi Trendoman,
I needed to search by page title. All my searches on the forum lead me here :) But I couldn't run the code you made with the call method. i am getting this error : "Error: <cms:func />: "search_by_title" not available"

I don't know much about php. how can i run this code?

Depends on the use case.
Use Couch Search. See It searches within titles and other regions, placing page higher in search results if the word is found in title.

Hi Trendoman,
I needed to search by page title. All my searches on the forum lead me here :) But I couldn't run the code you made with the call method. i am getting this error : "Error: <cms:func />: "search_by_title" not available"

I don't know much about php. how can i run this code?

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