Hi, Gwil (and guys),
and thanks for the plugin, I have eventually gotten myself to trying it out. I have implemented the first basic part and it seems to be working - I have the xml charset, noscript src and the base64 code as well and it seems to be working fine, there is an obvious improvement in page load. However, I see that the Czech characters in alt texts are broken when viewing the page source (although the DOMinspector displas it okay). Does it pose any SEO concerns and if so, can it be fixed, please?
To be more specific, I for instance have a block of 6 <figures> and whether I am applying the <cms:lazy_load> tag onto the entire block or on each img separately, I get the cource like this:
...I even tried removing the schema, in case there was some interference, CZ characters still replaced with html entities. The only suspect I can see is that in the DOM inspctor (where the charset is good) the item have class "lazyloaded", while when viewing the page source (html entities) it is only "lazyload".
If needed, please have a look at the whole picture at https://www.winkcake.cz/tartaletky/. Does that look okay to you, or am I missing something, please? Would looking into the updated script fix this?
Thanks in advance!
and thanks for the plugin, I have eventually gotten myself to trying it out. I have implemented the first basic part and it seems to be working - I have the xml charset, noscript src and the base64 code as well and it seems to be working fine, there is an obvious improvement in page load. However, I see that the Czech characters in alt texts are broken when viewing the page source (although the DOMinspector displas it okay). Does it pose any SEO concerns and if so, can it be fixed, please?
To be more specific, I for instance have a block of 6 <figures> and whether I am applying the <cms:lazy_load> tag onto the entire block or on each img separately, I get the cource like this:
- Code: Select all
<div class="row flex">
<figure itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Product">
<?xml encoding="UTF-8">
<noscript><img itemprop="image" src="https://www.winkcake.cz/couch/uploads/image/img_8856.JPG" alt="Tartaletky s čokoládovým krémem"></noscript>
<img itemprop="image" src="" alt="Tartaletky s čokoládovým krémem" data-src="https://www.winkcake.cz/couch/uploads/image/img_8856.JPG" class="lazyload">
<h3 itemprop="name" >Tartaletky s čokoládovým krémem</h3>
<span itemprop="description">a čokoládovou ganache, ozdobené plátky mandlí a maceškou</span>
...and 5 more similar figures
</div><!-- end row -->
...I even tried removing the schema, in case there was some interference, CZ characters still replaced with html entities. The only suspect I can see is that in the DOM inspctor (where the charset is good) the item have class "lazyloaded", while when viewing the page source (html entities) it is only "lazyload".
If needed, please have a look at the whole picture at https://www.winkcake.cz/tartaletky/. Does that look okay to you, or am I missing something, please? Would looking into the updated script fix this?
Thanks in advance!