Thanks Tim ! It's perfect
My minify code is (jquery is already loaded)
- Code: Select all
<cms:minify 'js' as='js/script.min.js'>
mode: 'fade',
moveSlides: 1,
slideMargin: 0,
infiniteLoop: true,
controls: false,
minSlides: 1,
maxSlides: 1,
speed: 800,
touchEnabled: false,
auto: true,
pause: 6000
Everything works as expected, but the problem is in the error log - every time i visit the page I get this error
- Code: Select all
PHP Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /home/my_site_path/_|*KCODECHUNK*|_ in /home/my_site_path/couch/addons/minify-js-css/minify.php on line 90
I looked, and the function at line 90 is checking the file modification dates, and invalidating the cache etc if necessary. I'm not using timestamps, and if I comment out the function, the error message stops. Other testing narrowed it down to the stuff inbetween the /*CODE*/ blocks - and the error message was generated no matter what I put in there - even a simple alert.
So, it's not a huge issue (as long as it works!), but I don't like errors when I can't fix them
Hopefully I'm not missing anything stupid (as is often the case),