MiB » Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:18 am
I quite like the sleek homepage design ... yet, I am quite missing some claim telling me what they are selling or what they are good at. But that may be a matter of a customer wish or personal preference (my designs are far from stellar too).
But please, do spend some time on the optimization. You really do not want to be using a 450kB 3464x3464 jpg for a 90x90 thumb, where you would do with a 5kb svg. Also, looking at the gallery, Couch has this cool gallery plugin, which lets me generate small thumbnails for a fancybox gallery ... and have 200+ images in a page load blazing fast. I think adopting this approach is more important, than solely swithching to a more savvy format.
trendoman wrote: If your client goes for this improvement, you can buy an addon that allows client to continue uploading and working with staple standard types: JPG/PNG; but website will serve WEBP. Browser support is really good for WEBPs.

Where do I buy that addon, please? I tend to be tough on speed optimization. I realize I can use .webp by uplading it as type = 'file', but obviously, that will not give a preview and will not work for jpg / png...