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Localization: Dutch translation

Welcome one and all, to this topic. As you've probably guessed, a file is attached to this topic, containing a Dutch version of the Couch-CMS localization file. Feel free to download it, and alter it to fit your needs.

Why did I make this?

I was in the process of constructing a Couch-driven website for my employer, a subsidiary of a Dutch NPO, when I needed it translated for my (mostly mono-lingual) co-workers.

Why am I sharing this?

Upon obtaining a free NPO-license of CouchCMS, I had a very nice conversation with Kamran Kashif of CouchCMS. He suggested that I'd share my localization on the board instead of directly with him, and that I'd take the opportunity to tell you something about us.

So, about Repro:

"Repro" is a sub-division of Heliomare, the largest organisation in the Netherlands that supports (potentially) disabled people. In cooperation with REA College Nederland, Heliomare sports several educations, among which an education in graphic design.

As "Repro", we have rebranded ourselves as the in-house copy-shop at Heliomare. We do sometimes take third-party customers, to incite our students to achieve all they can. However, Repro is an educational effort, and therefore non-profit. Our clients only pay for the materials that they order, and no costs are made for the design.

Our typical end-users are students with a mental or physical disability (such as Autism, or muscular diseases).

Please visit us someday at! (Although in Dutch, it runs on Couch, so check it out!)

Now, on with the download!
Dutch localization file for CouchCMS
(3.16 KiB) Downloaded 1692 times

Yours sincerely,

Bas van Dijk
Verlengde Voorstraat 8
1949 CM Wijk aan Zee
The Netherlands
T (+31)251 - 28 82 35
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