Important announcements from CouchCMS team
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Hi everybody!
CouchCMS v2.4 is here :)

The defining features of this release of Couch should help us in creating big 'directory' style sites e.g. property listings, product catalogs, reviews etc. (that is not to say, however, that the features won't be useful for smaller sites as well).

The development of these features is a result of @orbital (ivO Dragomanski) approaching me with a couple of intractable problems with an e-commerce site he had been working on (I must add here that Ivo very graciously consented to the incorporation of code created for him into this release - my thanks to him) -

The site featured 20,000+ products to begin with (with many more to be added in the future).
This number, though, was not a problem; the problem was that the products were divided into 70+ distinct categories (e.g. monitors, mobiles, laptops etc.) where products of each category would have their own unique set of editable regions (on an average about 150 unique regions per category).

The products were, of course, cloned pages of a single template and so all the required editable regions had to be defined in that template - multiply 150 regions by 70 categories and you get a total that runs into thousands. Which meant that any time a product (i.e. a cloned page) is loaded by Couch, it would require fetching those many thousands of regions from the database (where only 150 of those regions actually pertained to that product - the rest were deadwood). Imagine doing this to create a listing of 100 pages through <cms:pages> and you can see the problem Ivo was struggling with.

The second problem was another feature that the e-commerce site required -
it needed a 'product filter' (AKA 'Layered Navigation') of the kind shown here
nav.jpg (170.51 KiB) Viewed 4767 times

where selecting a value from one (or more) filter(s) causes all other filters to show only the products that satisfy the condition imposed by the selected filter(s)
e.g. selecting 'red' from the 'color' filter should make the 'size' filter show sizes that apply to only products of red color.

Some of our members will recall that we have a thread on our forum that discusses the creation of a similar filter (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=7620).
However, that is not a 'layered' filter (i.e. values shown in various inputs do not change depending on the selections made).
Also, notice in the image above the sheer number of filter fields involved (and this is for only one category..there are 69 other categories that have their own set of fields) and you can see the futility of trying to create this manually.

This release tries to solve both problems. Let us see how.


The first problem is solved by the introduction of 'sub-templates'.

This construct allows us to subdivide the main template into sub-groups (called sub-templates) and then allocate the desired fields to these sub-templates.
When a cloned page is created from this template, Couch notices that the template uses sub-templates and prompts us to first select one for the page being created.
Depending on the selection, Couch loads only those limited number of fields that are allocated to the selected sub-template.

Taking the example of the e-commerce site under discussion, we define all the fields in the main template, then define the 70 odd product-types (monitors, mobiles, laptops etc.) as sub-templates and then allocate only the relevant fields to each sub-template.

This way, every cloned page of a template using sub-templates is always associated with one sub-template and hence a limited set of fields.
Anywhere Couch has to deal with these cloned pages (creation, editing, listing, deleting etc.), it loads only that set of fields - for all practical purposes, the rest of the fields defined in the template do not exist at all.

Let us see this feature in action by implementing it in a demo template (named products.php) for a trivial e-commerce site.

Before proceeding any further, first install (or upgrade to) the latest version (2.4) of Couch from GitHub.
Next, make sure to enable the 'sub-templates' addon by editing the couch/addons/kfunctions.php file (if this file is not present, rename couch/addons/kfunctions.example.php to kfunctions.php) to uncomment the following line
Code: Select all
    require_once( K_COUCH_DIR.'addons/sub-templates/sub-templates.php' );

Moving on to our demo now -
Assume the site sells only products belonging to two product-types, monitors and mobiles, where each needs a separate set of editable regions.
IMP - please note that it is perfectly OK to have fields that are common to some or even all the sub-types e.g. 'price' is a field that will be common to products across all product-types and 'color' would be common to many.

Our approach to implementing this use-case would be to -
1. First, declare the product template as supporting the 'sub-templates' feature
Code: Select all
<cms:template title='Products Demo' clonable='1' dynamic_folders='1' has_subtemplates='1'> 


As you can see, 'has_subtemplates' is the param that declares that this template will have sub-templates.
Visit the template on the front-end as super-admin to register it with Couch.
Returning back to the admin-panel, set the default page that Couch (annoyingly) creates for all clonable templates to 'unpublished' to get it out of our way.

2. Next, declare all the editable regions within the template the way we normally do
Code: Select all
<cms:template title='Products Demo' clonable='1' dynamic_folders='1' has_subtemplates='1'> 
    <!-- monitors -->
    <cms:editable name='display-type' label='Display Type' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='1' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='color' label='Color' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='screen-size' label='Screen size, inch' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='3' />
    <cms:editable name='refresh-rate' label='Refresh rate, Hz' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='4' />
    <cms:editable name='widescreen' label='Widescreen' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='5' />
    <cms:editable name='hdmi' label='HDMI' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='6' />
    <!-- mobiles -->
    <cms:editable name='os' label='Operating System' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='memory' label='Memory, GB' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='3' />
    <cms:editable name='gps' label='GPS' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='5' />
    <cms:editable name='fm-radio' label='FM radio' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='6' />


A short aside -

Keen-eyed, long-term users of Couch will notice the use of some new terms in the editable regions defined above. I am describing those below but they are not important at this point - just know that you can use all types of editable-regions in sub-templates and exactly the way you do in other templates.

a. 'create_auto' param with type 'relation' -
As you know, type 'relation' demands a second template to form the other end of the relation being defined, so, e.g. for the 'color' editable region, we'd normally need to create a second template (say named 'options/color.php') and then specify it as follows using the 'masterpage' param
Code: Select all
<cms:editable name='color' label='Color' type='relation' masterpage='options/color.php' has='one' order='2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' /> 

For layered navigation, most of these templates serve only to provide a simple value tuple (name and title) to be shown in the dropdown for selection.
When hundreds of such regions are needed, to avoid the chore of having to manually create the second template for each of them, the 'create_auto' param was added which automatically creates the second template for you.

Notice how now the definition we are using no longer requires the 'masterpage' param -
Code: Select all
<cms:editable name='color' label='Color' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />

b. Editable region of type 'single_check'
As is apparent form the name, it creates a single checkbox that can be used to store boolean values.
More importantly, those values can be stored as numbers in the database which makes queries more efficient.

Once again visit the products template on the front-end as super-admin and then, coming back to the admin-panel, try creating a cloned page.
You'll notice the first difference between a normal template and a template with sub-templates -
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You'll notice that, although we have defined several editable regions in the template, none of them show up when we try to create a cloned page.
The editable regions will appear only once we select a sub-template for the page.

To do that, notice the dropdown that gets added automatically by Couch. This is the sub-template selector and the page won't save until we choose one from it.
At this point, however, the dropdown is empty because we have not defined any sub-templates yet. Let us do that next but before that let us change the default label '_sub_template' that the dropdown sports to something more relevant.

Modify the <cms:template> declaration to add a couple of new params -
Code: Select all
<cms:template title='Products Demo' clonable='1' dynamic_folders='1' has_subtemplates='1' subtpl_selector_label='Product Type' subtpl_selector_is_advanced='0'> 

'Product Type' seems to be an apt label for our use-case -
01.png (21.29 KiB) Viewed 4767 times

The 'subtpl_selector_is_advanced' can be set to '1' to make Couch show a popup window (instead of a dropdown) for the selector - comes in handy when we have a large number of sub-templates to contend with.
For now, the dropdown is fine so let us move to creating the sub-templates that populate this dropdown.

3. Declare our sub-templates.
We have two types of products, so we define two sub-templates for them and allocate relevant editable regions to each -
Code: Select all
<cms:template title='Products Demo' clonable='1' dynamic_folders='1' has_subtemplates='1' subtpl_selector_label='Product Type' subtpl_selector_is_advanced='0'>
    <!-- monitors -->
    <cms:editable name='display-type' label='Display Type' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='1' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='color' label='Color' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='screen-size' label='Screen size, inch' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='3' />
    <cms:editable name='refresh-rate' label='Refresh rate, Hz' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='4' />
    <cms:editable name='widescreen' label='Widescreen' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='5' />
    <cms:editable name='hdmi' label='HDMI' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='6' />
    <!-- mobiles -->
    <cms:editable name='os' label='Operating System' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='memory' label='Memory, GB' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='3' />
    <cms:editable name='gps' label='GPS' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='5' />
    <cms:editable name='fm-radio' label='FM radio' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='6' />
    <cms:sub_template name='monitors' label='Monitors'>
        <cms:stub name='display-type' />
        <cms:stub name='color' />
        <cms:stub name='screen-size' />
        <cms:stub name='refresh-rate' />
        <cms:stub name='widescreen' />
        <cms:stub name='hdmi' />
    <cms:sub_template name='mobiles' label='Mobiles'>
        <cms:stub name='os' />
        <cms:stub name='color' />
        <cms:stub name='screen-size' />
        <cms:stub name='memory' />
        <cms:stub name='gps' />
        <cms:stub name='fm-radio' />


As can be seen, we use <cms:sub_template> tag to define a sub-template.
By adding to it a <cms:stub> tag bearing the same name as an editable region defined outside, we allocate that editable region to the sub-template.

Please notice the repetition of stubs named 'color' and 'screen-size' in both the sub-templates - this will allocate the editable regions of those names to both.
IMP - <cms:editable> declaration for a field will always only be once; <cms:stub> representing it may be used in multiple sub-templates.

There are some editable-regions that need to be allotted to *all* the sub-templates (e.g. 'price' and 'manufacturer' in this demo use-case).
Instead of declaring them and then placing <cms:stub> representing them in each sub-template, we can do the following instead -
Code: Select all
<cms:template title='Products Demo' clonable='1' dynamic_folders='1' has_subtemplates='1' subtpl_selector_label='Product Type' subtpl_selector_is_advanced='0'>
    <!-- common -->
    <cms:editable name='manufacturer' label='Manufacturer' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='-2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='price' label='Price' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='-1' />

    <!-- monitors -->
    <cms:editable name='display-type' label='Display Type' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='1' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='color' label='Color' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='screen-size' label='Screen size, inch' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='3' />
    <cms:editable name='refresh-rate' label='Refresh rate, Hz' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='4' />
    <cms:editable name='widescreen' label='Widescreen' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='5' />
    <cms:editable name='hdmi' label='HDMI' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='6' />

    <!-- mobiles -->
    <cms:editable name='os' label='Operating System' type='relation' has='one' searchable='0' order='2' orderby='page_name' order_dir='asc' create_auto='1' />
    <cms:editable name='memory' label='Memory, GB' desc='number' type='text' search_type='decimal' order='3' />
    <cms:editable name='gps' label='GPS' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='5' />
    <cms:editable name='fm-radio' label='FM radio' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='6' />

    <cms:sub_template name='@common'>
        <cms:stub name='manufacturer' />
        <cms:stub name='price' />

    <cms:sub_template name='monitors' label='Monitors'>
        <cms:stub name='display-type' />
        <cms:stub name='color' />
        <cms:stub name='screen-size' />
        <cms:stub name='refresh-rate' />
        <cms:stub name='widescreen' />
        <cms:stub name='hdmi' />

    <cms:sub_template name='mobiles' label='Mobiles'>
        <cms:stub name='os' />
        <cms:stub name='color' />
        <cms:stub name='screen-size' />
        <cms:stub name='memory' />
        <cms:stub name='gps' />
        <cms:stub name='fm-radio' />


Notice the addition of a third sub-template named '@common' above that contains the stubs for two new editable regions.
'@common' is a special name and does not actually create a sub-template; instead, it serves to show all editable regions allotted to it in all the other sub-templates of the template.

Visit the modified template on the front-end as super-admin and return to the admin-panel to once again try creating a new cloned page.
This time, the two sub-templates we defined should show up in the selector dropdown.

Try selecting 'Monitors' sub-template and see how only the editable regions allotted to it show up for editing (as do the two common fields too).
02.png (38.51 KiB) Viewed 4767 times

Without saving the page, try selecting the 'Mobiles' sub-template and see how a new set of fields show up -
03.png (40.3 KiB) Viewed 4767 times

Now save the page.
You'll notice that once the page is saved, the selector dropdown disappears and we are no longer allowed to change the sub-template we chose while saving the page.
04.png (23.6 KiB) Viewed 4767 times

This is an important point to remember - so long as a page remains in an unsaved state (i.e. is new), we can freely change the selected sub-template (the offered fields will change accordingly).
However, once we hit the save button, the selected sub-template (and hence the set of editable regions associated with the page) can no longer be changed.

Essentially, that is about all that one needs to know to work with sub-templates but I'd like to mention here some additional points that could be helpful -

1. With <cms:stub>, the editable region showing up in the admin panel borrows all its characteristics from the <cms:editable> defined in the main template (i.e. outside all sub-templates).
We have a couple of ways though to tweak these characteristics -

a. For specifying a new 'order' (frequently needed when a field is used in multiple sub-templates), we can set the 'order' param of <cms:stub> as follows
Code: Select all
<cms:stub name='color' order='1' />

b. For more extensive changes, we can include a regular <cms:config_form_view> block to the containing <cms:sub_template> block e.g. as follows
Code: Select all
    <cms:sub_template name='mobiles' label='Mobiles'>
        <cms:stub name='os' />
        <cms:stub name='color' order='-3' />
        <cms:stub name='screen-size' />
        <cms:stub name='memory' />
        <cms:stub name='gps' />
        <cms:stub name='fm-radio' />
            <cms:field 'color' label='Mobile Color' />

Please note that such a block can also be placed in the '@common' sub-template and any settings defined within that will be applied to all sub-templates.

c. In a regular template, we use 'groups' and 'rows' to arrange the fields in a more manageable manner.
We can do the same with sub-templates also -
we use the 'groups' and 'rows' with the <cms:editable> tags outside the sub-template blocks e.g. as follows
Code: Select all
    <!-- test grid -->
    <cms:editable name='grp_coordinates' label='Coordinates' type='group' collapsed='0'>
        <cms:editable name='test_row' type='row' order='1'>
            <cms:editable name='lng' label='Longitude' type='text' class='col-xs-2' />
            <cms:editable name='lat' label='Latitude' type='text' class='col-xs-2' />
        <cms:editable name='test_row2' type='row' order='2'>
            <cms:editable name='directions' label='Directions' type='text' class='col-xs-4' />

and then add those as <cms:stub> to whatever sub-template you want them to appear in e.g. as follows -
Code: Select all
    <cms:sub_template name='grid' label='Grid'>
        <cms:stub name='grp_coordinates' />
        <cms:stub name='test_row' />
        <cms:stub name='lng' />
        <cms:stub name='lat' />
        <cms:stub name='test_row2' />
        <cms:stub name='directions' />

2. An editable region allocated to one sub-template cannot be transferred to another sub-template without losing data from existing pages of the original sub-template.
This is because if we remove a <cms:stub> from a sub-template and place it in another, this will actually result in the field being deleted from the original sub-template (with its values disappearing from all existing cloned pages of that sub-type) and a new field with blank values appearing in pages of the target sub-template.

3. To delete an editable region from a sub-template (and hence from all existing pages of that sub-template), simply removing its <cms:stub> from the sub-template block will suffice.
However, this will *not* delete that region from the main template itself.
You'll remember that in regular Couch templates, deletion of an editable region is a two-step procedure -
you remove the <cms:editable> definition of the region from the template and visit the template as super-admin (in its page-view) for the deletion to be noticed by Couch.
Next, you visit the admin-panel where Couch will show you that field (deactivated and in red) and ask you for a final confirmation before actually deleting the field.

This procedure remains exactly the same in a template with sub-templates except that we should keep at least one <cms:stub> of that region in some sub-type.
The reason for this is that, as we have seen before, any region that is not allotted to a sub-template is simply not show in the admin-panel.
So, if there is no <cms:stub> for an editable region we removed from the template, that region will never show up in the admin-panel for the final confirmation followed by true deletion.

Therefore, to completely remove an editable region from the template, remove its <cms:editable> definition but keep its (at least one) <cms:stub> in some sub-template.
Visit the template as super-admin and then delete that region from the admin-panel. Once that is done, you may remove all <cms:stub>s of that region.

4. So far, we have seen how to create/edit pages that use sub-templates from within the admin-panel.
As I am sure, you know, cloned pages can be created/edited from the frontend too using DataBound Forms (via <cms:db_persist_form>) and <cms:db_persist> tags.
For making a DataBound Form create a new page with a particular sub-template, we can use the 'sub_template' param of <cms:form> as follows -
Code: Select all

    <cms:if k_success >
            k_page_title='Test Product'

    <input type='submit' value='Post'>

The corresponding param for <cms:db_persist> is '_sub_template' -
Code: Select all
    k_page_title='Test Product'

    <cms:if k_error >
        <font color='red'>ERROR:
            <cms:each k_error >
                <cms:show item /><br>
    <cms:else />
        <cms:show k_last_insert_id />
        <cms:show k_last_insert_page_name />

Please note in both of the methods above that we need to explicitly specify the sub_template only while creating a new page (i.e. 'create' mode).
For working with existing pages (i.e. 'edit' mode) this is not necessary as this info is already present in the saved page itself.

OK, now that we have seen the creation of cloned pages using sub-templates, let us now move on to listing those pages on the front-end.

Listing pages with sub-templates

The dropdown selector for the sub-templates that you have already seen is actually a regular editable region of type 'relation' named '_sub_template'.
You can use it with <cms:pages> the usual way (as documented at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8581 under '2. Enhanced cms:pages tag') e.g. as follows -
Code: Select all
<cms:pages masterpage='products.php' custom_field="_sub_template=monitors"  >
    <a href="<cms:show k_page_link />"><h3><cms:show k_page_title /></h3></a>

That said, let me emphasize at this point that 'sub-template' is an internal construct meant only to define the set of editable regions that a page will contain -
It is not meant primarily to be used as a categorization method for the pages as displayed on the front-end (although you may do this is use-case dictates).
For that, we already have the 'folders' feature.

Assuming we already have a folders structure in place, when we create a page selecting a sub-template, we then also place that page in some folder.
The semantics of categorization through folders dictate that pages placed within a folder are similar in some way, so you'll soon find that most of the pages you place in a folder belong to one sub-template.
e.g. for a folders sub-tree as follows, all products within the 'Monitors' folder are likely to be of 'monitors' sub-template and likewise all products within 'Mobiles' will be of 'mobiles' sub-template.
Code: Select all

and for a folder structure as follows, all products placed within 'Male', 'Female', and 'Kids' could be of a single sub-template named 'clothes' -
Code: Select all

In such cases, you list pages on the frontend using folders the regular way (i.e. folder-view etc.) and sub-templates don't need any kind of consideration for the listing.

[Note: There is no restriction on placing pages of different sub-templates within the same folder, but this may lead to some UX issues while using 'Layered Navigation' - filters of one sub-type will not be applicable to pages of the other sub-types and hence will turn up empty]

Layered Navigation

And now we move to the second feature of this release, the layered navigation or filtering.
If you care to take a look again at the screenshot of the sample layered navigation at the beginning of this discussion, you'll notice that there are three distinct types of inputs serving as filters
nav.jpg (170.51 KiB) Viewed 4767 times

1. Dropdown - this type allows the selection of discrete 'text' values like 'red' or 'green' for 'colors' or 'medium' and 'large' for 'sizes'.
2. Slider - this type allows the selection of a range (maximum and minimum) from 'numeric' values e.g. all mobiles from 1GB to 32GB of memory.
3. Checkbox - this type allows selecting a single 'boolean' value (Yes or No) e.g. all products that have a particular characteristic.

Couch helps us in creating these filters by first locating all relevant editable regions that can serve as filters, finding out all the values from these regions to show as values in the filter inputs (taking care to pick only the values that are in concordance with already selected filters, if a selection has already been made - remember, this is layered navigation) and then finally making all this information available to us as a simple array variable to output the HTML.

To do that, however, it needs the editable regions that will serve as filters to be of specific types. Namely -
Dropdown - needs the editable region to be of type 'relation' with single selection (i.e. has='one')
Slider - needs the editable region to be of type 'text' with a numeric 'search_type' i.e. either 'integer' or 'decimal'
Checkbox - needs the editable region to be of type 'single_check' with a numeric 'search_type' i.e. either 'integer' or 'decimal'

If you take a look at the definition of the editable regions we used in our demo template above, you'll find that they satisfy all these conditions.
NOTE: Not all editable regions that you define in a sub-template will be needed to serve as filters; such regions can be of any desired type.

To indicate to Couch which of these editable regions will serve as filters, we modify our code to make it as follows -
Code: Select all
    <cms:sub_template name='@common'>
        <cms:stub name='manufacturer' filter='dropdown' />
        <cms:stub name='price' filter='slider' />
    <cms:sub_template name='monitors' label='Monitors'>
        <cms:stub name='display-type' filter='dropdown' />
        <cms:stub name='color' filter='dropdown' />
        <cms:stub name='screen-size' filter='slider' />
        <cms:stub name='refresh-rate' filter='slider' />
        <cms:stub name='widescreen' filter='checkbox' />
        <cms:stub name='hdmi' filter='checkbox' />
    <cms:sub_template name='mobiles' label='Mobiles'>
        <cms:stub name='os' filter='dropdown' />
        <cms:stub name='color' order='-3' filter='dropdown' />
        <cms:stub name='screen-size' filter='slider' />
        <cms:stub name='memory' filter='slider' />
        <cms:stub name='gps' filter='checkbox' />
        <cms:stub name='fm-radio' filter='checkbox' />
            <cms:field 'color' label='Mobile Color' />

As can be seen, it required adding the 'filter' param to the <cms:stub> tags representing the editable regions.

And with that, we are ready to create the layered navigation on the frontend.
The ideal location to place such navigation is the 'folder-view' where we list pages belonging to a specific category (we have discussed above how folders and sub-templates go hand in hand).

We begin by placing the <cms:process_filters> tag within the folder-view -

Code: Select all
<cms:if k_is_folder>
    <cms:process_filters folder=k_folder_name with_count='1'/>

At this point, I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that the list of filter inputs you saw above as the layered navigation is only one part of the filtering;
the second part is using the values selected in those filters to actually show a listing of pages (using <cms:pages>) that match those selections.

The <cms:process_filters> tag we saw above helps in both of these parts -
It provides us with the data we can use to output the inputs and also provides us with a pre-formatted filter string we can directly use with the <cms:pages> tag to make it list only the pages matching the selection made from the filter inputs.

<cms:process_filters> tag makes available to us an array variable named 'st_filter_fields' that contains all information we may require to output the HTML of the filter inputs.
For testing purposes, try placing the following code right after the <cms:process_filters> in your template and you should see all the raw info that the tag provides
Code: Select all
<cms:each st_filter_fields as='field'>
    <h3><cms:show field.label /> (<cms:show />)</h3>
    <cms:each field.options as='option'>
        <cms:show option.label />: <cms:show /> (<cms:show option.count />) <cms:if field.selected eq><b>*</b></cms:if><br>
<cms:show st_filters_str /><br>
<cms:show st_filters_folder /><br>
<cms:show st_include_subfolders /><br>

Of course, instead of outputting the raw info, we'd want to use it for creating a form with the filter inputs.
One way of doing that is shown in the full code of the demo template attached here - you are free to use your own markup.
(3.08 KiB) Downloaded 375 times

To create a listing of pages matching values selected from the filters, we make use of variables made available by <cms:process_filters> e.g. as follows -
Code: Select all
<cms:pages folder=st_filters_folder include_subfolders=st_include_subfolders orderby='page_name' order='asc' custom_field=st_filters_str>
    <h3><cms:show k_page_title /></h3>
        <h4>No Products Found</h4>

The 'st_filters_str' variable used above is the crucial piece that ties the pages listing to the filter inputs.
The 'st_filters_folder' and 'st_include_subfolders' variables only serve to keep the <cms:process_filters> in sync with <cms:pages> (i.e. makes sure the two work with the same set of pages).

And that completes our discussion about the new features of Couch.
Hope the community finds them useful. Do send in your comments.
Jeez, this looks rich! And was supposed to do some work. And pickt a new phone as I have the late one a decent bath yesterday! :$
It is truly amazing that such a complex work can be realized in such a convenient way.

I know how to work with Product Filter in other CMS and I have never seen such an innovative approach.
I am adamant that even complex tasks like this can be done in the easiest way with Couch CMS.

I'm very happy, really :)
We keep going ahead ... :) :) :)
Hi again here,

After more careful research, I'm sure Couch Layered Navigation can do more than is documented.

Now we already have a set of product filters (e.g. Color, Weight ...) along with their product parameters (e.g. Red - Green ..., 1Kg - 5Kg ...) for each product (if we are talking about e-shop)
However, this data, except for filtering, could be
VERY useful in other aspects too, for example:

- Each product page can display its "set" of parameters even in tabular form, which is great for SEO.

- The Pages tag could only show products that match specific product filters, for example all products that are made by Sony and are TVs that are OLED - this is also great for SEO...!

It would be nice to have examples of this if possible :)
Congratulations @KK!

After more careful research, I'm sure Couch Layered Navigation can do more than is documented.

I agree! Looking forward to discovering what other use cases we have with layered data in Couch :)
@mwlarkin1, @orbital Thanks for your support :)

@orbital, you asked -
Each product page can display its "set" of parameters even in tabular form,

The regular way to create such listings for each 'sub-template' would, of course, be hardcoding the names of fields it contains.
However, since the whole idea is about dealing with large numbers, the better way would be to automatically generate these.
For that, we can use <cms:db_fields> as we would with normal templates, e.g. as follows
Code: Select all
<cms:if k_is_page>
    <cms:db_fields masterpage=k_template_name page_name=k_page_name types='relation, single_check, text, textarea'>
            <td><cms:if label!=''><cms:show label /><cms:else /><cms:show name /></cms:if></td>
                <cms:if type='relation' && has='one' && data!=''>
                    <cms:pages masterpage=masterpage id=data skip_custom_fields='1' count='1'>
                        <cms:show k_page_title />
                <cms:else_if type='single_check' />
                    <cms:if data=='1'>Yes<cms:else_if data=='0' />No</cms:if>
                <cms:else_if type='text' || type='textarea' />
                    <cms:show data />         

IMP: Please note, however, that if you run the code above while logged-in as super-admin, you'll find that it lists *all* the fields of the template and not just those that are allocated to the page's sub-template.
That is expected because super-admin needs to have a holistic view of all sub-templates so no fields are removed for her at any time.
For everybody else, you'll see only the limited set you'd expect from pages with sub-templates.

The other question was -
The Pages tag could only show products that match specific product filters, for example all products that are made by Sony and are TVs that are OLED..

That you actually already see being done in the demo we used in the original post above.

There we are setting the values of 'folder' and 'custom_field' params of <cms:pages> using variables set by <cms:process_filters> tag -
Code: Select all
<cms:pages folder=st_filters_folder custom_field=st_filters_str>

We could set those params manually, e.g. as follows, and get the same listing -
Code: Select all
<cms:pages folder='monitors' custom_field='manufacturer=sony|technology=oled'>

As you can see, the trick is only to get the correct value we need to place in the 'custom_field' param.
For that, we can print out the variables outputted by <cms:process_filters> tag in the listing (you might want to place a check that they are shown only to admins) and then use those in <cms:pages> anywhere on the site you desire.
In fact, the sample 'products.php' attached with the demo above actually prints out the 'st_filters_str' to show what is being selected -
Code: Select all
<cms:show st_filters_str /><br>

Hope this helps.
@KK: the 'single_check' editable doesn't seem to be working for me, in an ordinary template.

The control panel confirms I'm on v2.4. My template includes the line:

Code: Select all
    <cms:editable name='e_useendtime' label='Show end time' type='single_check' opt_values='Yes' search_type='integer' order='15' />

When I go to the page as superadmin to register it in the control panel I get:

Code: Select all
ERROR: Tag "editable" has unknown type "single_check"

If I delete that one line the template loads without error.

Is this editable type only available if sub-templates are in use?
Is this editable type only available if sub-templates are in use?

The 'sub-templates' addon needs to be active for this editable type to be available.
Please use the following in your addons/kfunctions.php to fix the error
Code: Select all
require_once( K_COUCH_DIR.'addons/sub-templates/sub-templates.php' );

Don't worry if your site doesn't actually use sub-templates in any of its templates; it is perfectly OK to have this addon activated even then.

Hope this helps.
Thanks, @KK - that sorted it out.
Hi, I am facing an error while upgrading from 2.2.1 to 2.4
"Could not successfully run query: Table 'couch_sub_templates' already exists"

Can you please help
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