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First, thank you for "Couch" that seems to be very usefull.

Please can you help:

I was able to make some test with Uwamp and connect "couch" to Aurelius.

But I've some troubles doing the same with Wamp Server, and It returns this message :
Cookies must be enabled to use this CMS (same n Chrome Safari IE FF with cookie enable)

I can use Uwamp but I use to use wamp server and would like to anderstand the trouble.

Thank you in advance, kind regards.
Hello and welcome, Costa :)

As you've noticed, the error appears only on WAMP.
Problem with almost all local stacks is that they are pretty fickle and can behave in erratic ways.

You're almost certain not to run into this error on a proper hosted server.
So, I suggest, you don't give too much thought to this issue and use the other stack for development (or use the portable one we have here -
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