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Following is the code for the radio button in the form

<cms:input type="radio" name="measurements" opt_values="Inches=in | Cm=cm | Mm=mm" required='0' />

Be default the first option is selected, the client wants it to be deselected.

Web standards mandate that there always be an option selected in a set of radio-buttons.
If you don't explicitly specify which button should appear selected by default, Couch will choose the first one (which is what you are seeing).

You should specify which button should appear selected by default using the 'opt_selected' parameter e.g. the following code should show the middle button selected
<cms:input type="radio" name="measurements" opt_values="Inches=in | Cm=cm | Mm=mm" opt_selected='cm' required='0' />

To reiterate - it is not possible to show a set of radio-buttons where none is selected - there has to be atleast one that is selected at all times.

Hope this helps.
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