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I'm changing over from the old 'members' addon to the new 'extended users' one.

To log out with the 'members' addon, I had a link like this:

<a href="<cms:member_logout_link />" >Sign out</a>

Is there something like it for the 'extended users' addon? I've tried this:

<a href="<cms:show k_site_link />users/login.php?act=logout" >Sign out</a>

but I just get the error message "Security tokens do not tally for executing this action. Please try again." Presumably the nonce value is missing, but I don't know how to get it.

I've also tried linking to a page whose template simply contains this:

<cms:template title='Logout' hidden='1' />

<cms:if k_logged_in >
<cms:process_logout redirect="<cms:show k_site_link />" />

but then I get a different error message telling me to log out (grrr! that's what I'm trying to do!) and log back in again.

What should I be doing?

Hi David,

Code: Select all
<a href="<cms:logout_link />">logout</a>

Code: Select all
<a href="<cms:login_link />">login</a>

The 'profile.php' sample template makes use of both.
Hope this helps.
Excellent! Many thanks.

When I get my project sorted out (about a month, I hope) I'd like to help with updating the Couch documentation, if that suits you. What's there is very clear and well-written, but I can see that it's hard to also keep it up-to-date while you're working on the new version.

That'd would be very welcome, David :)
I am actually waiting for the release of the final version 1.4.5 and then the docs are in for a rehaul.
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