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Sorry kk, don't think I explained very well.

I mean within the members section there is the index.php clone page for registering the members. If your not logged in then they can still view a members profile. So none registered users can view profiles. On the persons profile I want to show what they have posted

I've tried using the above code but that shows everything rather than what the members posted.
Sorry still didn't get you. Let us try again -

so you have
Suppose a non-logged-in visitor access the page.
What do you want him to see?
A list of articles posted by members?
Or profiles of members?

If it is profiles of members, we know that those are simple cloned pages of 'members/index.php'. So if we place this on the template, it'll list all the members (i.e. their profiles)
Code: Select all
<cms:pages masterpage='members/index.php'>

Is this what you wanted?
Hi kk,

Yeah I've got that all sorted, listing the members profiles. Now within listing members profiles I want to also list the articles page within the members profiles.

So when I visit a members profile (simon opie) as logged out it showing all the correct details of that member. Now within that I want to show all Simons posts he's made with the articles page
Nest cms:pages -
outer loop fetches members, inner fetches posts made by each member
Code: Select all
<!-- list members -->
<cms:pages masterpage='members/index.php'>
    <!-- list posts of members -->
    <cms:pages masterpage='members/article.php' custom_field="author==<cms:show k_page_id />">

Does this help?
The articles code is placed inside the members/index.php page. I've tried that code and it's not working :/
Please check
Is the name of the template right?
OK, I logged in to take a look at your template.
You are using
custom_field="linkprofile==<cms:show k_member_id />"

It should be
custom_field="linkprofile==<cms:show k_page_id />"
KK wrote: OK, I logged in to take a look at your template.
You are using
custom_field="linkprofile==<cms:show k_member_id />"

It should be
custom_field="linkprofile==<cms:show k_page_id />"

I see what you mean now, Only issue is it's showing everyones content rather than that users content. What would you suggest.

the articles placement has changed, its now inside members/articles/index.php which is the clone page for the articles


Code: Select all
   <cms:pages masterpage='members/index.php'>

So it now looks like this

Code: Select all
cms:pages masterpage='members/articles/index.php' custom_field="linkprofile==<cms:show k_page_id />" > 
<div id="user_post_img"><cms:show art_img /></div>
<div id="user_post_title"><cms:show art_title /></div>
<div id="user_post_content"><cms:excerpt count='290' truncate_chars='1'><cms:show art_information /></cms:excerpt></div>

I've now sorted the above issue. To solve it i removed the

Thanks KK.
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