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Hello again!

I am working on the image gallery for my couch site, and so far I seem to have everything near complete. I can edit images just fine.

I have added a bound type for the gg_image.

Code: Select all
<cms:input type="bound" name='gg_image' />

It is showing up and display just like the Admin CP, but I have one small little hiccup.

The temp image with the + sign that you usually click that brings up the image upload interface, isn't bringing anything up. (It is also "hanging" in the admin interface, so the only way I can upload images is through the multi-uploader)

I imagine that this is due to me not having a required file on my front end required, much like how richtext fields require the ckeditor.

I would prefer the functionality of the multi image upload, such as when you click the "Upload" button in the gallery interface, not the singular image interface when clicking the + image. BUT, if the approach is easier for the single image upload interface, I'm all for it.

What file should I be requiring on my gallery for this functionality?

And back to the hanging issue, when I click on the + image that sits in the "Add new" page, the swirling image appears but no interface ever shows up. Like I said, the multi image upload interface from the "Upload" button in gallery root is the only thing that is working at this moment.

The 'image' and 'file' type editable regions don't work from the frontend - that is by design as we don't visitors to have access to the file/image uploader. For uploads from the frontend one needs to use the 'securefile' type editable region which has been built specifically for this purpose.

As for the 'hanging' issue in the backend, I think it should be a JS issue. Please take a look at firebug (or your browser's equivalent) to see if any JS errors are being reported.

Being that I want everything hooked into gg_image and not having to make a new field (would confuse the members greatly), do you think it would be worthwhile for me to insert an iframe into my page edit section that acts like the following :

Initial State - Step 1 :

Show file upload form that simply uploads the file to the same location on the server that all gallery images are uploaded to. Form Submit would point to step 2 where file would actually be uploaded and show successful or fail message.

Step 2 :

Show all couch bound inputs for k_page_title, gg_image, and gg_thumb, where gg_image field currently displays "Browse" dialogue and input. The user would then locate file by the same filename they uploaded in Step 1 and continue on to Create new image as normal?

I'm not worried about secure file types, as I've successfully completed the usergroups that I've discussed with you and the only people able to edit and create anything or upload files are members of the website's staff/committees.
Only the fileuploader does not work on the frontend - the inputs will work fine.
So if you could somehow wire up things in a way that the user inputs the file names directly (as opposed to using the filemanager), things should work.
KK wrote: Only the fileuploader does not work on the frontend - the inputs will work fine.
So if you could somehow wire up things in a way that the user inputs the file names directly (as opposed to using the filemanager), things should work.

I'm thinking if I make a page with a generic code php upload script that simply uploads the file to the same folder that stores all the pictures couch uploads to the gallery, then on my Create/Add Picture page with all the bound inputs I can use

<cms:input type="bound" name="gg_image" />

To browse to the image they uploaded, then use

<cms:input type="bound" name="k_page_title" />

To name the image, everything should be okay.

Will the thumbnail still auto generate even if I'm not calling it via a bound input on the creation page?
Will the thumbnail still auto generate even if I'm not calling it via a bound input on the creation page?
Yes. The image field that the thumbnail is associated with will generate it.
KK wrote:
Will the thumbnail still auto generate even if I'm not calling it via a bound input on the creation page?
Yes. The image field that the thumbnail is associated with will generate it.

Hey KK, one last question.

I've done everything succesfully, my own php image upload script in an iframe, and everything works there. I didn't notice this before, but when i click browse server link that is created for the bound gg_image input, it opens up the FCKeditor in a new page, and when I click on one of the files in the FCKeditor window, it doesn't close the window and insert the image name in the field like it should in the Admin Panel. I'm sure this has something to do with a missing javascript file, or something.

Is there any way I can remedy this?

Soon all my questions will be over, I've got the gallery front end to complete, and the site will be ready for deployment.
Please do a view-source of the admin-panel containing any image/file region.
You'll find the JavaScript required to move the selected image's name into the input.

Hope this helps.
Okay, I located all the javascript and required files, and it's opening the file browser in a div on top of everything and the callback to the form works like a charm

Now one small issue with gallery folder_id's.

When I add an image after all fields are filled in, it is not being placed in the correct folder.

Like on all create pages I have for even simple content, I am located on a folder view of the folder that lists pages with in it, and I am using this to write the folder id to the fields

Code: Select all
<cms:input type="hidden" name='k_folder_id' value=k_folder_id />

I have used CMS dump to check vars, and this is definitely the one to use, but it's not being passed to the stored data in couch.

Is there another name for the input I should be using that is unique to gallery? Like I said I've checked cms dump and I don't see any other vars that seem to hold a relevant id other than k_folder_id.

Also tried : k_page_folder_id, k_page_folderid

Just to note :

I looked inside the couch cms admin panel as to what values were being set inside the same form, and I noticed the input for folders is pointed to f_k_page_folder_id, so I'm a little confused!

Could you please let me take a look at what you have come up with? :)
FTP + Couch access would be great.

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