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I have set up a small news section on my site.
The main site isn't within couch, so couch is installed in:

I have changed the config file to have:
define( 'K_PRETTY_URLS', 1);

and have set up a .htaccess file - but I wonder if I'm putting this in the wrong place?
it says to put it in the root of the domain, but obviously my installation of couch is one directory higher?

Any clues?

Hi Andy,

From Couch's perspective the site's root is always its parent folder (i.e. the folder within which the 'couch' folder resides).

So, in your case 'couch' being within 'news' (, the root would be the 'news' folder.
Please put the .htaccess file within 'news' folder.

IMP: Since 'couch' is now installed in a sub-folder, please do not forget to set the following line in .htaccess too
#If your website is installed in a subfolder, change the line below to reflect the path to the subfolder.
#e.g. for make it RewriteBase /subdomain1/subdomain2
RewriteBase /news

Hope this answers your query.
Yep great thanks - makes sense.
I have a somewhat similar situation (which is why I'm posting here) with, which is a very simple site. I host it on a low cost hosting service shared with several other sites. The top level htaccess file at the top level sorts out which directory to use depending on the domain used to address it. This is the relevant bit:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/ctik
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ctik/$1 [L]

So if the browser addresses it gets redirected to which is fine. However I have difficulty getting couch (at ctik/couch) to recognise pages when I'm logged in as admin, and when I set: define( 'K_PRETTY_URLS', 1); I cannot get a list for htaccess at all, just a blank page.

Any suggestions?
Hi theoldfellow,

From the rules you mentioned, it doesn't look like that there would a problem.

Keeping prettyURLs off for the time being, what exactly happens when you access the following URL (the admin-panel)?

Please let us know.

Woops, I don't know what I was doing wrong earlier, but it now all works fine. Perhaps there was a lazy cache somehwere. Sorry for the noise.
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