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Every time my client makes a change to a page and saves it odd code appears in the text box and thus displays on the site.

This is the code, and it gets appended with every save, so can appear a number of times:

<object cotype="cs" id="SILOBFWOBJECTID" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;" type="cosymantecnisbfw"></object>

Any ideas!




I googled a little and, as it turns up, people using Symantec Norton anti-virus have reported similar happening (there is even a tell-tale sign - type="cosymantecnisbfw").

Specifically, it is reported to be the Norton extension in Google Chrome that injects this in CKEditor.
Please try disabling the plugin, if you indeed are using it.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for that, I assumed it was a Couch specific thing - obviously not, and my client does have Symantec installed on her machine and I do not - which answers why she gets it and I don't.

I'm seeing her tomorrow so I'll go through her plug ins and try and isolate it.

Thanks a lot for your help.
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