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Hello, I work with your CMS and its fun and very structured.
I want to generate thumbnails for repeatable regions. Everything you mention on your documentation "type = 'thumbnail'" works great for a single image on my site. Going further I want thumbnailing on a repeatable region.

I tested this ... ail-1.html

My Questions:

- can I set the quality of the image?
- can I set position for chopping the image? eg. center middle, left top, ...

Background information:
- are these thumbnails generated each time the website gets viewed? Is this just happening once I am using it as the admin?
* * * * * * I LOVE COUCH CMS - flexible and straight forward * * * * * *
Hello and welcome, chichi :)
I am glad you found Couch useful.

Relying to your questions -
can I set the quality of the image?
Yes. Please use the 'quality' parameter (default value is '80'. Maximum value is '100').

can I set position for chopping the image? eg. center middle, left top, ...
I am afraid, no. Images are always cropped from the center.

are these thumbnails generated each time the website gets viewed? Is this just happening once I am using it as the admin?
Couch generates a thumbnail only when it finds that one does not already exist. So, the process happens only once (unless you delete the thumbnails).

Hope that answers the queries.
This information is helpful, I appreciate your support here. :)

I have it working now - like mentioned above.

My repeatable region is a gallery and therefore I need a big and a small image. I use type='image' right now because type='thumbnail' is only for editable regions.

What I need: Generating 2 images with different sizes while uploading. eg. img.jpg and img_small.jpg

Is this possible or how can I have 2 different sizes from one uploaded image (using repeatable region).
* * * * * * I LOVE COUCH CMS - flexible and straight forward * * * * * *
In this case you would use the thumbnail tag in the front end code as opposed to the editable type thumbnail tag in the back end code. You upload the image once (as type="image") and Couch creates a thumbnail of the size you specify in the tag. For my own purposes, I've found the thumbnail tag on the front end to be easier and more useful generally.

From your previous question, it seems as if you're already doing this, though, and understand it. So maybe I've misunderstood your question. ... ail-1.html
Thank you Tim, I will test and let you know how it worked out.

... back from testing. works fine. Is it possible to influence the quality eg. by adding quality='100'

I canged <cms:thumbnail my_image width='120'/> to <cms:thumbnail my_image width='120' quality='100'/> I cant see any difference.
* * * * * * I LOVE COUCH CMS - flexible and straight forward * * * * * *
I cant see any difference.
@chichi, have you deleted the previous thumbnail? As discussed before, a new thumbnail won't get generated when an older one already exists.
So "quality=100" does affect the thumbnail? Or only with the original image tag?
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