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I've created a copy from a live server to be stored locally and linked it to a local mySQL database but when I type in the local url, the live url seems to show up?

backup using: sequel pro that was linked to live database
created a new database locally for testing via mySQL that came with MAMP and read in the file.
I then created the same user locally to have access to that local database.
I've changed config.php in couch with the new database name (users kept the same)

It seems when I'm typing the URL for local use, it redirects to the live situation as the URL changes accordingly? Is there somewhere a 'global' url that can be defined?

ps: If I change the databasename into something unknown, the local URL throws an obvious error that connection is not possible. So it really looks like a redirection somehow.

I've already commented this output but doesn't seem to have anything to do with it:
Code: Select all
  // 1.
    // If neccesary, define the full URL of your site including the subdomain, if any.
    // V.IMP: Don't forget the trailing slash!

Thanks in advance...
Hi Divian,

Try removing any .htaccess file that might have in the site's root.
Turn off prettyURLs in case you have it on.

Also, please use the setting that you mentioned like this
// 1.
// If neccesary, define the full URL of your site including the subdomain, if any.
// V.IMP: Don't forget the trailing slash!
define( 'K_SITE_URL', 'http://localhost/' );

i.e. remove the leading double-slash and then put in the URL of your local site.

Hope this helps.
Hi KK,

several attempts with the same outcome.
Is there anywhere else where a redirection could be stored in the database or within php files?

I've replaced it to this...
Code: Select all
    // 1.
    // If neccesary, define the full URL of your site including the subdomain, if any.
    // V.IMP: Don't forget the trailing slash!
      define( 'K_SITE_URL', 'http://localhost:8888/hop_20140416a/' );

(tried without port as well).

Pretty urls are off, no .htaccess file. I even downloaded the files again without the file selected from the server to be sure.
I've even deleted all other projects in my htdocs root to test, with same result.

ps: deleted caches as well and even restarted MAMP...
Couch does not use any other value except the one in the config file.

Maybe there is something hard-coded in your template's code (or any custom PHP includes that you might be using)?

Please send over any one template that is exhibiting the problem along with any associated snippets. Let us take a look at the code itself.
Hi KK,

Just figured it out...
Problem was the use as a bilingual site covering different folders in the root structure.
To come to this, the index.php was redirected to the default language folder (hardcoded).

Problem wasn't couch related… Thanks!
So I thought :)
Glad the problem is solved.
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