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I have two different couch sites, one I used for testing and the other for real deployment. Both on godaddy. The test site has a working form and no email account associated with it, I get the messages just fine. I have both config files set with the right email. The real deployment site however has a godaddy email account associated with it, and that's the email both forms are sending too. When debugging, I get the following success log:

=======================[2014-03-19 10:53:52]=======================
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Subject: Site Contact Form Message
The following is an email sent by a visitor to your site:

name: chris
subject: testing
message: test

Delivery Success

However, there is no real success. I never get the messages, and they aren't going to junk or anything like that.

Any ideas? Is this a godaddy issue? I can't think of anything else. The contact forms are exact copies. I tried turning off pretty urls - still no messages.
OK. Here's a good update. It's sending just fine to my hotmail address.... probably a godaddy mail issue, I've no idea what however.
Just got off godaddy support. For those who might have the same issue... it might be a problem with your nameserver settings.
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