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Hey KK,

i found a bug regarding the Capture tag,

normally to be able to retrieve an value globally you have to set the global scope however this isnt needed for the capture tag i dont know if this is an bug or not because when reading the documents you can also define the scope for the capture tag and i have been using it myself and have not once had to mention its scope and it was available globally.

Hi Ravindre,

For cms:capture tag, if you don't set a scope (either 'global' or 'parent'), a default value of 'global' is assumed.

Does this explain the behaviour you are observing?
If you still think it is a bug, please post in the exact code you are using and also mention what is the result you are getting as opposed to what you expected.

Hey KK,

ok this answers my question then, might be a good idea to mention this in the document!


Ah yes what i wanted to say doesnt this defeat the purpose of using set tags then?

Yes, I'll add that to the docs.

doesnt this defeat the purpose of using set tags then?
Not quite. The functions overlap but it is much easier and cleaner to use cms:capture for large blocks of code.

With cms:set you run the risk of running into a parse error if there happens to be an unescaped double-quote somewhere in the text body (not parameters). With cms:capture you don't have to worry about anything - just enclose any existing code within the capture tags and you are done.

P.S. I thought we had agreed upon not adding new questions by editing old posts :)
Exactly thats why I dont see much use for the set tag anymore in my opinion,

and yes i wanted to reply but the forum said i cant post a reply shortly after another so edit was the way to go :P

Thanks again!
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