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I get to display the k_folder_name variable between a <cms:folders ….>, but not within a <cms:pages…>. And I need it to sort my websites categories automatically, but the data-type comes back empty (I could enter a variable for each page, but it would be simpler otherwise). Is there a way to do so?


PS: my code is the following

<ul id="filtrable">
<li class="current all"><a href="#">All</a></li>
<cms:folders masterpage='portfolio.php'>
<li class="<cms:show k_folder_name />"><a href="#"><cms:show k_folder_title /></a></li>


<div class="clear"></div>

<section class="row da-thumbs portfolio filtrable clearfix">

<cms:pages masterpage='portfolio.php' paginate='1' limit='8'>
<article data-id="id-1" data-type="<cms:show k_folder_name />" class="span3">
<img src="<cms:show thumb />" alt="photo"/>
<div class="pd">
<a href="<cms:show image_1 />" class="p-view" data-rel="prettyPhoto"></a>
<a href="http://<cms:show website />" class="p-link"></a>
<h3><a href="<cms:show k_page_link />"><cms:show k_page_title /></a></h3>
<p><cms:excerpt count='100' truncate_chars='1'><cms:show content /></cms:excerpt></p>
<a href="<cms:show k_page_link />" class="read-more">Read More ...</a>
When in a page view or <cms:pages>...</cms:pages>, the variable name is k_page_foldername. A quick way though to determine what is available is just to drop in a <cms:dump/> tag.
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