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I'm fairly new to CouchCMS, but have successfully installed the software in a previous site of mine. I'm now having problems installing it on a new site I'm working on that is hosted by

I've uploaded the software but when I go to the couch folder I get the following error:

500 Internal Server Error

I've done some research on here to see if I can find a solution. I've seen that other people have had similar problems and have deleted the .htaccess file, which I've done but am still getting the same error. So now I'm stumped.

Thank you in advance for any advice or help you can give.

Hello and welcome Cezz :)

The best resource for knowing the exact cause would be your web server's error log (you can usually find it from CPanel).

In the meanwhile, you may also try using the utility found here
to set the proper permissions. I've often found improper permissions to be a cause of 500 error.

Hope this helps. Do keep us informed.

Hi KK,

Thank you very much for your swift response. I tried the installation again after a few hours of removing the .htaccess file and it seems to be working OK now. I think must have a delay in things being processed as I've had issues in the past with them when updating the style.css file. Thanks again for your help.

Thank you for letting us know, Cezz.
I'm sure this bit of info will help someone using for hosting.
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