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@cheesypoof Thanks for the help.

I thought that class cart-form was there for purely aestetic reasons, so I deleted it. But after having it back the modal does show :)

But :( the modal first conflicted with my preloader, causing the whole screen to go black, after removing the preloader the modal did load content, but it strangely loaded the index.php and caused all sorts of visual breakdowns, double scrollbars, missing content, etc.

I checked cart-modal.php and it only contains table and its rows, just like you did in your theme.
I really can't figure how in the world did it load index.php??
Have you added cart-modal.php to Couch? It doesn't look like it because I am seeing your login page...
I think I have. I just now checked, there is a file named cart-modal.php present, also all the couch tags that need to register it are in there.

Do you maybe want creds to have a look?
It is one matter to have the file present and another for it to be registered with Couch. You must visit it while logged in as super admin, like any other template. I should be able to visit while not logged in and see the cart. At the moment I cannot, which means the template has not been registered yet. You should be able to see it in the navigation in your admin panel once this has been done.
Totally forgot that one must view the file in the browser to have it registered. Guess, I've been away from Couch for some time!

But as this seems as an neverending story to me, new problems arrived. The modal is displayed, but with no styling applied. I checked your template from the tut, and you also don't call any styles from it.
Al the files that it need are present in the index.php.
It is ok now!! I overlooked something very simple, like wrongly naming the css file :)
All is working as expected , thanks cheesypoof!
I'm glad you caught that. I think you may want to create a new CSS file with only the styles that apply to the cart so that my CouchCart theme defaults don't interfere with your design.
Yes, I already started that process as soon as I saw the mess that was created when CSS files collided!!

Thanks for your site's creds.

I had a look at the checkout template and the problem was that you were using the
<cms:pp_cart_form> tag around the cart table. This tag creates an HTML form that is useful for updating the cart (e.g. on cart.php.).

The form, apart from being not required on the checkout page, was also causing the checkout button's form to get nested within it. This nesting of forms is not allowed by HTML and hence the problem.

The simple fix was to remove the tag pair. The checkout seems to be working fine now.
Please check and confirm.

I can go to sleep now finally:) Yes, everything is ok now, thanks KK and Cheesypoof!
The thing is that I am already waaaay to much past the deadline with this website, so I created everything in a bit of rush, that is why I slipped those simple things.

Also, as can be seen I didn't change much the cart template form the tutorial one, but my next step is to recreate the couch cart again, this time slowly and with my own design, that way I'll grasp the concepts better.

One final thing, my client said something about maybe adding an option for paying to his bank account. As you wrote in the tutorial, the best place to add it would be the custom checkout page, which I have now. How to deal with this, a simple form to enter the products that are being bought and the bank account number displayed nearby? Or maybe fetching the display of the cart and submitting it in the form?
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