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Hi, when I add new image in repeatable region, added element is always last.
Is any trick to reorder, from newest to oldest automatically?
I am sorry but no. Not currently.
It is on the to-do list, though.
There is any way to change order of that in sql?
I am afraid not, Adrian.
I really am sorry but we'll have to wait for the next update of repeatable regions for additional features like sorting etc.
Okay, so now I am pretty sad and I need to convince my client that he must reorder in lame way on own hand :)

ps. change time of response in board :)
For now I need to go out and walk few blocks to add a response.
"You cannot make another post so soon after your last."
Hi, what about now?
Now cms is no longer decoded and I think that is now possible.
But how?
Hi Adrian :)
I think that is now possible.

I'm afraid not.
We are working on the next version of the repeatable-regions that would allow each row to have a different set of fields. That version will have the feature to choose under/above which existing row to insert the new row. So that should do what you wish.

It is still in the works, though, and will take a little time before it can be released in the wild.
And what about ordering in database or sth?
And what about ordering in database or sth?
The ordering is all handled through JavaScript.
If you wish, you can try tweaking the two JS files involved in the process
Code: Select all
Something crossed my mind, Adrian - perhaps it is more important for you to list the content in reverse order on the *front-end* (as opposed to within the admin-panel where we can use the default order).

If that is so, please let me know as we can fix that up pretty easily.
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