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After doing a little bit of research on CKEditor it looks like a potential fix is to call:


For each editor before using the javascript form submit call for saving content changes.

I would try to change this myself but the source is encrypted.
Thank you for all your help @soluscoder. You said in an earlier post -
Found the cause. StickPassword (or Kaspersky Password) FireFox (Chrome) extension is the cause.

Can you please confirm that disabling this extension indeed solves the problem? The problem, as you reported, also appeared on another machine with the same specs. Did that machine also have the same extension installed?

After doing a little bit of research on CKEditor it looks like a potential fix is to call:


For each editor before using the javascript form submit call for saving content changes.

That call is necessary only for AJAX submissions. Couch uses straight form posting so that shouldn't be required. Anyways, I think there is no harm in adding that step. I'll try to make the changes and trouble you with testing it out :) Hope you won't mind.

Both computers had the extension/plugin installed. Disabling the plugin does indeed resolve the issue.

No problems with testing anything out. Happy to help.
Thank you :)
I've sent a PM to you.
Posted result displayed the correct data from the textarea in your bare essentials test.
Just confirmed that is what was causing my browser not to submit as well.
Strange as I use CKEditor quite a lot and never had this issue before, and don't on other sites using CKEditor.

Sticky Password is kinda essential for me as well.....
Great, looks like a fix on the horizon, can finally stop using Safari to edit my clients sites :)
This should really be reported back to the Sticky Password people. Their software shouldn't interact with CKEditor in this way.
I have submitted a bug report with StickyPassword so hopefully they will be able to fix it.
cheesypoof wrote: This should really be reported back to the Sticky Password people. Their software shouldn't interact with CKEditor in this way.

It only affects ckeditor in couchcms for me, i use ckeditor in another cms and that works fine
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