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after changing my site to display pretty URLs last week (via gen_htaccess), all has been ok till today when i gave someone a link to my blog, of which they replied saying they got a 'page not found' message, so i deliberately entered a bogus URL after my site link expecting my custom 404 error page to pop up, but rather than displaying error.php, the server searched for /error/?=404, no error page there.
and once or twice i recall this URL being displayed in my browser
You live many times, but only ever remember your lives.length - 1
Rename the error.php file to 404.php, then visit the template as super admin and update your .htaccess file. Make sure to uncomment the 404 ErrorDocument line as well...
cheesypoof wrote: Rename the error.php file to 404.php

ok i get that, but not all my error will be 404's, that doesn't matter? what of my extensions such as '?code=500' can i still use those?
Code: Select all
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php?code=404
ErrorDocument 405 /404.php?code=405
ErrorDocument 500 /404.php?code=500

I've just tried the above method, im getting the error page quite alright, but only when i enter a page name that doesnt exist (e.g: blahblah.php), but when i enter a folder that doesnt exist, im redirected to an absolutely bonkers URL (e.g: /this/doesnt/exist/) :roll:
Code: Select all
Options +Indexes +FollowSymlinks -MultiViews
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On

#If your site begins with 'www', uncomment the following two lines
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 R=301,L]
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^.*$
#RewriteRule ^404.php$ 404.php [R=301,L]

ErrorDocument 401 /404.php?code=401
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php?code=404
ErrorDocument 403 /404.php?code=403
ErrorDocument 500 /404.php?code=500

You live many times, but only ever remember your lives.length - 1
I visited your site and found that non-existent folders in URL result in 'Service Temporarily Unavailable' page (although the HTTP code being returned was 404).
I think you should take a look at your server's error log. It should show us the exact problem that is causing this behaviour.

Keep us posted.
for some reason, my error log always shows everything is ok, zero errors. lol
let me contact these people, gosh
You live many times, but only ever remember your lives.length - 1
got a response, they say everything is ok :evil:
anythin else i can do?
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New Issue!
In my root folder i created a php page called aboutus and the only way to access this is via my navigation panel placed within the footer (not the main navigation found below the header)
I wired the link this way
Code: Select all
<a href="<cms:link 'aboutus.php' />" target="_self">About Us</a>
but after clicking on the link, im directed to /aboutus/ instead of aboutus.php, something i presume is caused by prettyURL's again.
The other links haven't been wired yet, some will be subdomains such as sub/ rather than, Im gonna need help on linking those too.

My website is
You live many times, but only ever remember your lives.length - 1

I had a look at your site and, it appears, that you are using prettyURLs.
So, with prettyURL's on, '/aboutus.php' will expectedly become /aboutus/.

I think what you are missing is that you have failed to update .htaccess to incorporate the new template. Please do so and the new template should become accessible.
:lol: done, thanks.
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