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I have installed a share feature on my blog so that my readers can share blogs on their Facebook. Everything is showing up properly when fb scrapes the post except for the meta description of the blog post. I have tried using this code:

Code: Select all
<cms:excerptHTML count='75' ignore='img'><cms:show blog_content /></cms:excerptHTML>

Facebook only seems to grab the HTML markup. Do you know what I should use for:

Code: Select all
<meta property="og:description" content="" />
I think, instead of cms:excerptHTML, the plain cms:excerpt tag should be used to generate the description. Or better still, use a dedicated text type editable region to enter the proper description for each page.

Would like to add that the 'og:url' meta property should be set to the page's URL
Code: Select all
<meta property="og:url" content="<cms:show k_page_link />"/>

Facebook ignores 'og:description' if the URL of the page does not match 'og:url' meta property.
Thank you! Removing the HTML from the excerpt worked perfectly.
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