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Hello Forum!

I have searched through the posts that deal with XAMPP locally installed and trouble with pretty URLs here in the forum, and also other sites to find a solution to the problem with pretty URL locally on Mac - but I have found no cure yet...

So, if anyone might happen to have had the same problem and then also a solution, I would appreciate very much a reply…

I have installed XAMPP for Mac OS X 1.7.3, on my computer with following specification:
Apache 2.2.14, MySQL 5.1.44, PHP 5.3.1, Perl 5.10.1, ProFTPD 1.3.3, phpMyAdmin 3.2.4, OpenSSL 0.9.8k, GD 2.0.35, Freetype 2.3.5, libjpeg 6b, libpng 1.2.32, libungif-4.1.4, zlib 1.2.3, expat 2.0.1, Ming 0.4.2, Webalizer 2.01-10, pdf class 009e, mod_perl 2.0.4, SQLite 3.6.3, gdbm-1.8.3, libxml-2.7.2, libxslt-1.1.24, openldap-2.3.43, imap-2004g, gettext-0.16.1, libmcrypt-2.5.8, mhash-0.9.9, zziplib-0.13.48, bzip2-1.0.5, freetds-0.64

As far as I understand, all Couch features should work here....

But this happens:

When I turn on pretty URL in the Couch configuration file, the links to the pages are not working (<cms:show k_page_link />) : I can click, but nothing happens….

I have also made .htaccess file and wrote in it the content from

With .htacess file, either in the root of local site or within couch folder, local site would not work. I couldn't even find the log-in site of the couch, and if I would call another site, it was just not there….(I am not sure anymore if the error was 500 or 400 or both during these trials, depending on wher I was with my trials)

Than, I followed the steps for enabling mod_rewrite in XAMPP ( form another forum) and did the following:

In the httpd.conf file, that I found 2 times within XAMPP folder
Code: Select all
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ 

was uncommented anyway,
but I have changed
Code: Select all
AllowOverride None  

Code: Select all
AllowOverride All

in those two files.....

Well, now, when I turn pretty URLs on, I can see the login-in site of the Couch, and I can log in….But I see a blank page when I call

And, when I make an .haccess file and put it in the root of the local site or within Couch folder - it does not disturb anything - meaning: I can log in the Couch and see all the sites- but Pretty URL´s are still not working - the page links are dead, not going anywhere when I click on them...even though, I can see for a millisecond the pretty URL name of the page in the browser address .....

Would anyone know the solution?

Thanks in advance

hi Tanja, frustrating isn't it? I was grappling with pretty urls on wamp just the other day - - I gave up in the end as I thought there was nothing else to try. But after reading your post I'll check out enabling mod_rewrite (if it isn't already enabled, I don't know). Some info on that here

I know this isn't of any help to you as you're on XAMPP! But I'll let you know if I have any success on wamp.
Pretty URLs can be somewhat difficult to troubleshoot, especially when on a localhost. If you could provide any relevant PHP/Apache/access logs, they may shed some light on the situation. The .htaccess should be placed in the site's root, not the couch folder by the way.

What is the address you are taken to when you click on one of those links, and what is the HTTP status code you receive?

Sorry to hear you still haven't been able to enable it successfully potato. I have it working alright on my wamp setup, so it can be done. I don't recall running into any problems when I tried to enable it, so I'm not sure what could be wrong. :|
As cheesypoof remarked, troubleshooting prettyURLs can be difficult on local machine.
I am really sorry but there is absolutely nothing that I can do to help in this particular problem as your installations are not publically accessible.

We can only take heart for the fact that, thankfully, once we migrate to the live hosted server it is highly unlikely to be facing the same problem as we'll usually find mod_rewrite (the component behind prettyURLs) pre-configured for us by the host.
HI cheesypoof,

I have looked at log file, but there is an overwhelming amount of text...And I understand nothing....
Thanks for your support, but I think I will have to give up in this moment. Trying to solve the problem took me already two whole days.....
I have bought an extra domain to test Couch online....

HI Kamran,

Yes, it is difficult to do troubleshoot on a local machine, and this is anyway not a Couch issue.....
Thanks for all the great support and this great CMS......

cheesypoof : I am going to get back to this early next week and I'll report back on any details - I'd be really grateful to compare experiences on wamp - thanks. It's not critical but would be great to solve it and be able to have a mirror of 'live' on my local set up.

Could somebody please come up with a way of beaming kk over to sort out our localhost problems as well as everything else he does for all us Couch users?!

Simple in the end ... and thanks to Tanja's comment
I followed the steps for enabling mod_rewrite in XAMPP

I checked out the mod_rewrite status on wamp on my local machine:

> click on wamp icon
> Apache
> Apache modules
> rewrite_module (was not ticked - so I clicked on it and restarted all services)

Because each test site is in its own folder in my wamp installation I also need to change the .htaccess to
Code: Select all
RewriteBase /subfolder/

This is really good news - because it makes the transition from local to live more predictable :)
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