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Hello and thank you first of all for this nice piece of software!!! I'm working on a test page at the moment and if that is working out well I will buy a licence for sure.

Here is my problem:

I want to create a page with an image slider and some intro text. Below should be the cloned pages. I made the tutorial (which is great btw) and could add new pages, but in every cloned pages dialog the entrys for the headertext and slider pics apear. To handle it like in the tutorial with a global file, seemed for me not the right solution because of the mass of editable regions I need to fill the image slider. Or is it the way?

So how could I import the slider and the header stuff make it editable and shows up only one time in the cms backend dialog.

Or is it possible in any way to have a static top area or group shown up in the cms and below the option to add cloned pages?

Sorry for my bad English, I made a picture to make it clear. Or here a link to the static page:

Thank you very much


Welcome cl :)

You can use one more clonable template for the slideshow (say named 'slider.php'), define the editable regions for the image and intro text and then create one cloned page each for every slide in your slideshow.

Now you can easily display this slider (i.e. the cloned pages of 'slider.php') on any other template. For our example (the image you posted) let us suppose this template is 'services.php'.
You wish to display the slideshow on the top part and the its own cloned pages after that.

This is how you can display the slideshow (assuming the names of the editable regions are 'my_intro' and 'my_image') -
Code: Select all
<div id="slider01"> <ul id="slideshow">
<cms:pages masterpage='slider.php' >
   <h3><cms:show k_page_title /></h3>
   <cms:show my_intro />
   <a href="#"><img src="<cms:show my_image />" alt="<cms:show k_page_title />" /></a>
</ul> </div>

This can be followed by displaying the cloned pages of 'services.php'
Code: Select all
<cms:pages masterpage='services.php' >
   <!-- show editable regions of cloned pages here -->

Hope this helps. Do let me know.
hey thank you very much!!! I was not aware that it is possible to import more than one cloned page in a site. It was not they way I would handle it, but this is by far the best option to fill a slideshow. I tryed it yesterday and it is working great. I import the rest of the data now from a global file.

Only point is, that the user now has to work on 3 sites to update one page (slideshow, global, service) which may be a bit confusing in the beginning.

Anyway, I really apriciate your help and this great forum.
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