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Okay little confused really..

Bare with me, just wanting to ensure i'm doing this correctly.

I have a section called ''News'' - We show 8 most resent news posts on the main home page. However when you go into the news page we show all the news, now i want to split them somewhat.

I want away to show the news in sections, as we cover various different things.

Here is the list of what folders we want within the news section.


So i just want sub folders, of the above. This is how i think it should be done.

Code: Select all
<cms:folder name="gp2" title="GP2 News" />
<cms:folder name="gp3" title="GP3 News" />
<cms:folder name="drifting" title="drifting" />
<cms:folder name="rallycross" title="Rally Cross" />
<cms:folder name="shows" title="Shows" />
<cms:folder name="events" title="Events" />

Now what i want todo is on the news_list page i want to show all the news, however at the top i want the links to the folders, so

GP2 | GP3 | Drifting | RallyCross | Shows | Events

Showing the folders, and linking them like this?

Code: Select all
<a href="<cms:show k_folder_link/>"><cms:show k_folder_title/></a>

So now i have the folders, and the links at the top, when they click GP2 will this only show GP2?
Hi Simon,

Your question has two parts -
1. How to to create links to the folders.
Ans: Either use tags like cms:folders, cms:listfolders
or create the links manually using cms:link e.g.
<a href="<cms:link masterpage='news.php' folder='drifting' />" >Drifting</a>

2. How to list pages within a particular folder.
Ans: The links above will lead the use to the 'folder-view' of the template (news_list in your case). The cms:pages tag can be used to list pages belonging to the folder being accessed.
<cms:pages masterpage='news.php' folder=k_folder_name>

Hope this helps.
Big thanks for the reply KK.

I'm having some problems.

Code: Select all
<cms:folder name="gp2" title="GP2 News" />
<cms:folder name="gp3" title="GP3 News" />
<cms:folder name="drifting" title="drifting" />
<cms:folder name="rallycross" title="Rally Cross" />
<cms:folder name="shows" title="Shows" />
<cms:folder name="events" title="Events" />

Code: Select all
<cms:template title='test' clonable='1' commentable='1' dynamic_folders='1'>

However in couch No folders defined

Is this because Pretty URLs are not turned on?
Please turn off dynamic folders.
Once you use dynamic folders, Couch ignores the fixed cms:folder tags.
All done KK,

Big thanks for you're support :D
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