Hi, I was searching if there was a fix in this forum for my site but couldn't really find one that is a full solution. So I have implemented CouchCMS webp support with full functionally like previewing the image on the backend as well. Im sharing here in case someone else also need it. Thanks
Here are the changed files
Just replace them in these locations
1. /couch/includes/fileuploader/config.php
2. /couch/includes/kcfinder/config.php
3. /couch/includes/kcfinder/lib/class_fastImage.php
4. /couch/includes/kcfinder/lib/class_gd.php
Be sure to remove the numbers before replacing them

Here are the changed files
Just replace them in these locations
1. /couch/includes/fileuploader/config.php
2. /couch/includes/kcfinder/config.php
3. /couch/includes/kcfinder/lib/class_fastImage.php
4. /couch/includes/kcfinder/lib/class_gd.php
Be sure to remove the numbers before replacing them