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Hello, I can't figure out how to edit this section (screenshot below).

Here's a video overview of my backend.

The Image insert feature didn't work. Here's the URL to the screenshot image. ... xuldz&dl=0
Hi :)

The particular element in the sidebar that you wish to make editable is, as seen, made up of several (three currently) rows which are identical in their composition - i.e. each row consists of an image, a title and some text as body.

Hf3s1Uzo.jpeg (158.35 KiB) Viewed 5903 times

The best way to handle such content is by using 'repeatable-regions' ( ... gions.html). Declare the the three mentioned elements as editable-regions within a repeatable-region and then the client can add/remove as many rows as she desires.

Let us know if you need any help in implementing the solution.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for your reply!

Two things: First, in the short term, is it possible for me to hard code a fourth row? And if so, how do I access the PHP file to do this? Second, if we decide to add the repeater, where do I access the file to make this adjustment? I'm such a noob with this CMS.

Two things: First, in the short term, is it possible for me to hard code a fourth row?

Sure - that is always an option.

if so, how do I access the PHP file to do this?

FTP into your site and find out which file is outputting the sidebar.
This is completely decided by the developer as Couch does not mandate anything regarding which file is used to render which part of the site.

Second, if we decide to add the repeater, where do I access the file to make this adjustment?

This is likely to be the same file mentioned above.
As to how you'd proceed to add the repeater, I suggest you please take the time to go through our little tutorial ( which takes you from a static HTML template to a fully Couchified site.
That should give you a solid footing in working with Couch.

Hope this helps.
Thank you! I appreciate your help and quick reply. I figured out how to edit the Index.php file to change the sidebar. The next step is to apply the repeater feature that you suggested.

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