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Not sure if anyone else has this issue but the page which is commentable has a few querystrings needed for displaying proper information, but whenever a comment is being submitted, it redirects to the same page but it does not maintain the parameter in the quesrystring. [no approval needed for comments]

Is there any way to either modify the process_comment tag or make it redirect to the exact same link ?
I have attempted redirecting upon success of comment processing but it will not fire...

For the time being, I have set the auto_redirect to 0 in functions.php -> insert_comment function
Code: Select all
                        extract( $this->get_named_vars(
Have you tried adding parameter auto_redirect='0' to the tag?
Code: Select all
<cms:process_comment auto_redirect='0'/>
trendoman wrote: Have you tried adding parameter auto_redirect='0' to the tag?
Code: Select all
<cms:process_comment auto_redirect='0'/>

Not initially, later I did.
I was having big issues with redirecting for some reason but finally managed to get the desired outcome.
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