Good Evening all.
Greetings KK sir!

I have a list of data. It spans over 100 pages with 50 line items per page (<cms:pages limit='50' paginate='1'>...</cms:pages>).

In one of the columns i have a DBF which is used to update a particular field. Refer image below:
Untitled-1.jpg (185.11 KiB) Viewed 3132 times

The Unit Count >50 if the DBF field to be updates with options Select, Yes and No.

The query that I have is, if I am on any page other than the first page and i change the value of the dropdown and hit save, the form saves and is sent to the first page. I am unable to get the pagination parameter value (eg. ?pg=19).

I want to get this value so that when the form saves, the page reloads and comes back to the ?pg=19 rather going to ?pg=1.

How can I achieve this?

I have already tried cms:add_querystring. and cms:gpc, but no use. Please advise what should be the value in the <cms:redirect> on successful/ error condition.
