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In my contact form when I used this email ID it is working fine
// 13.
// Your Email address. Will be used in contact forms.
define( 'K_EMAIL_TO', '' );

// 14.
// Will be used as the sender of messages delivered by contact forms to the address above.
define( 'K_EMAIL_FROM', '' );

But when I used another email ID at the place of
it is not working

Please help me

// 13.
// Your Email address. Will be used in contact forms.
define( 'K_EMAIL_TO', '' );

// 14.
// Will be used as the sender of messages delivered by contact forms to the address above.
define( 'K_EMAIL_FROM', '' );
While we can use any address as the 'From' field, most receiving servers will refuse to accept (or treat as spam) mail from a server the domain of which does not match the email domain.

Allow me to illustrate -
For example, if your site is '' and if you try to send an email with 'from' set as '', the receiving server is most likely to treat the mail as spam because a mail from '' is actually coming from '' - this is likely to be spam.

On the other hand, an email with 'from' set as '' and coming from '' is of course natural and would be accepted (unless the domain itself is blacklisted etc.).

In short, please set 'K_EMAIL_FROM' to an email address that belongs to your site's domain to avoid mails being rejected or treated as spam.

Hope this helps.
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