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Hı there!
O know that couch cms is not working on Windows server. But I need your opinions about my situation. I got a website which is installed couch cms. Now I need to run ASP script on website subfolder.
I couldn't find a way to do it. Do you have?
O know that couch cms is not working on Windows server.

Couch does not work on *IIS server* - no problem on Windows with Apache/Nginx etc.

ASP, the last time I worked with it, used to run exclusively on IIS.
And that virtually makes ASP and Couch mutually exclusive so I don't think you'd be able to use them on the same web server.
Can't asp-script be rewritten in php? What's so special about it?
I solved issue like this :)
I installed Couch CMS on linux hosting and created subdomain here. Then I redirected subdomain by changing its A Records to windows hosting.
It works right now :))
Been there, done that! So, here's how I managed it. Had a website running Couch CMS on Windows and needed to get an ASP script working in a subfolder. Tricky stuff, right?
What worked for me was setting up a virtual directory for the subfolder and running the ASP script from there. It's like a secret passage, haha! Just head to IIS Manager, find your site, and add that virtual directory.
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