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I'm setting up templates for a new site, and initially was going to use groups for some elements. However I now want to take them out of the groups.

The groups in question were controlled by a 'not-active' and a function. I'm using the same function to control the fields individually, which simplifies the interface.

I've deleted the 'group' editables and all the 'group=' parameters in the individual items, and revisited the page while logged in as superadmin.

The groups still appear in the interface - they are empty, but still there, and they still appear/disappear in line with the function.

How can I get rid of them?
I think you should first revert back by re-defining the groups.
Then go step-by-step to get rid of them - first remove the enclosed regions, next nullify the conditional visibility by putting in a blank value for the condition i.e. as not_active=''. Each time make sure to visit the template as super-admin. Finally, remove the groups.

Hope this helps.
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