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@KK Sir,

I am getting this error:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded

on a template.

I referred your post viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7286. where you have mentioned:
For a fix, I have added a skip_custom_fields='1' parameter to the cms:pages loop.
This makes Couch skip trying to load the custom fields, which is ok in our case as the sitemap generation only requires the system fields of a page (its title, date etc.). This saves memory for us.

In my case the <cms:pages> tag is handling above 15000 pages. The data needs to be filtered and then displayed in a tabulated format. Could you please suggest me something? I cannot user skip_custom_fields='1' because all the data to be displayed in the table are saved in the custom fields.

where innovation meets technology

I think the most logical way of dealing with these many pages would be to split them in manageable chunks - the way the CSV importer does (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8803).

You may try adapting the code to work with pages; keep the intermediate result in session (or perhaps a file) and iterate through the pages in, say, batches of 1000 pages.

Hope this helps.
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