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My hamburger menu appears alright when browser is made smaller. However its menu doesn't appear on clicking. Not sure what went wrong. It used to show up before. My website is I am using bootstrap v.3.3.

I got someone to help with converting my html files and css to couch, so the final files look very confusing to me.
I did the conversion 2 years ago and just looked into backups that I still keep for your website. In the current website browser's source-view I did not see default jQuery / Bootstrap scripts that must be loaded. These scripts were mentioned in a snippet /snippets/scripts-foot.html and the content of this snippet must be exactly this -
Code: Select all
<!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript
================================================== -->
<!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="<cms:show k_site_link />js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<!-- IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug -->
<script src="<cms:show k_site_link />js/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js"></script>

The snippet was called in each page, for example index.php had it in the bottom -
Code: Select all

    <cms:embed 'scripts-foot.html' /> 

<?php COUCH::invoke(); ?>

Please make sure this snippet does exist. If you are unsure, I can look at the problem first-hand via FTP. Perhaps, something is missing and therefore my backup.will definitely help if you don't have yours.

Yeah I tried to look into the snippets folder for the scripts-foot.html. Turns out there was a cms:ignore script on either sides of the scripts and the scripts were commented out. I removed the comments as calling for jquery.min.js, etc as per your script below. Loaded it back into the snippets folder but upon a hard refresh, the menu still wouldn't work.

I've also checked index.php, it has the scripts-foot.html embeded.

Is there anything else I should be checking?

I can give you my ftp to check, thanks! Over email please, at
I think you have done everything right. I now see that we both missed one last step - removing existing cached pages - please visit /couch/cache via your ftp browser and delete all files from there. It will remove cached html and Couch will regenerate those automatically for each visited page.
I have checked source again and seems that Couch is still serving cached pages, without scripts appearing in source. Please try this and if it won't help I will definitely find another solution. I have taken a note about your email address. Thanks.
Thanks! Its finally working! It looks fine on my mobile. Just wondering though on my desktop browser, when i minimise the window to test the mobile hamburger menu, the menu appears fine except for a horizontal scroll appearing but not in my mobile. This would be to do with the CSS I suppose right?
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