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I would appreciate some advice on the most user-friendly way to achieve the following ... a stage production will be made up of a number of performers. I have two clonable templates - production.php and profile.php

profile.php will consist of a growing number of performer biographies which should be selectable from the production.php template and reorderable easily by dragging and dropping - as in repeatable regions or mosaic.

I have set up profile.php as a relation in production.php within a mosaic (as mentioned here

Code: Select all
<cms:mosaic name='team_profiles' label='TEAM PROFILES' desc=' ' order='55'>

    <cms:tile name='profile' label='PROFILE'>   
            label='Select team member'
            desc='click on +Add, select from popup list and click OK'

This works OK but has what will seem to the client as an extra layer of unnecessary pop-ups. To make this clear I have taken some screenshots of each step of the process required to add a performer.

ADVANCED GUI.gif (67.52 KiB) Viewed 1192 times

Ideally steps 2 and 4 wouldn't be necessary.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this and how might be the most streamlined and user-friendly way to achieve this? Thank you.
... would I be right in thinking that this is how it works and there isn't a way to get the Advanced GUI feature to work in a more streamlined/user-friendly way?
If there are not too many profiles, you may use the relation region normally (as opposed to with the advanced GUI) - this will remove the middle two steps. If, however, you absolutely must use the advanced GUI, then I am afraid I can't see any workaround this issue.
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