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I'm trying to set up a portfolio of my art. Everything works fine until I try to use a lightbox-type plugin. I am using fancybox right now and the images repeat themselves three or more times before moving to the next image. They repeated with several other plugins as well.

I have been working on a test page for now, but hopefully I can implement this soon.

thanks for your help! -Katie
Your generated HTML is invalid, that might be the issue. Check your source to see that you have too many quotes and misplaced closing div's.
I have removed all unnecessary html and double checked for closed <> and quotations. I still get repeated images. I tried moving the cms:pages tags around and got the same results, but with even larger numbers of repeats. Is the a better place to put the pages tags? If I move them too much the masonry grid doesn’t work.
@Aramourn, It'd be difficult to spot the problem without knowing how you are generating the HTML code.
Please post the exact code you are using.
I'm going to play around with some other masonry and lightbox combos, see if that fixes things. Fancybox worked fine without the macy.js grid layout, but as soon as I wrapped the images in the masonry <div> things got messy.

I will just let this go for now and see how it goes.
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