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Is there a way to show the total number of pages inside a clonable page template?

For example, if I have a blog clonable page, and that I create 15 articles in it. Is there a way to show the number of articles?

I've found stuff about "k_folder_totalpagecount", but I do not use categories in that case.
Isn't there anything like "k_page_totalcount" or something?

Thanks a lot!
Nevermind, found my answer!

I must use "k_count". It's that simple.
Maybe this will help other people.

There is a variable, k_total_records that returns the number of cloned pages from a template

Code: Select all
<cms:pages masterpage=template_name limit='1' skip_custom_fields='1'>
<cms:show k_total_records/>

By using k_total_records, skip_custom_fields and limit = '1' you minimise the impact on performance. If you have a load of cloned pages, loading ALL the information from each of these JUST to get total number of pages is an overkill.

The variable you were using, k_count returns the current page rather than the total pages.
Interesting! I will try that out. Thanks a lot!
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