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Good day!

First off, sorry if this has been asked before (I did try looking...), and secondly, I'm not sure if the <each> tag is what I should be using here but clearly I don't understand the concept.

I am trying to iterate through an album of images in my gallery, as such:

Code: Select all
<a href= ""><img class="left_arrow hvr-backward" src="/images/Left.png" alt="Left Arrow"></a> 
<img class="gallery_image" alt="<cms:show k_page_title />" src="<cms:show gg_image />"/>
<a href= ""><img class="right_arrow hvr-forward" src="/images/Right.png" alt="Right Arrow"></a>

By clicking the Left Arrow link you would go to the previous image in the album (if at all), and by clicking Right Arrow link you would go to the next image in the album.

I'm just not completely sure what to put in the <a href> Backward/Left/Previous and Forward/Right/Next buttons for the link to go to. Something like <cms:show gg_image+ 1>, but less idiotic.

Hope you can help me out. Thanks!
Hi :)

I suggest you please try using the following -

Hope it helps.
Thanks this helps immensely! Works great. Last thing I'm trying to do is limit the range of the arrows to the current album only, so if its the first image in the album the 'previous' arrow won't show, and if its the last image in the album, the 'next' arrow won't show. Currently when it gets to the last image of the album and you click next, it goes to the next album.

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