hey trendoman,

I solved the problem thanks to your comments. Mostly it was the track my mind was on that was the biggest obstacle, as became clear while trying to formulate a reply.

Basically I was confused about the fact that I really needed two different dropdowns in different places on the page to do different things, but sharing the same name: the first was to set/change the folder of the cloned page currently being edited. The second was to be part of the databound form, which creates a new cloned page, and the dropdown there is used to decide the folder on that. Clearly those two have nothing in common, or their values don't, but they do share a name.

What made things fall into place is changing the name of both the dropdowns to k_page_folder_id. The databound one is set as <cms:input type="bound" name='k_page_folder_id'/>, whereas before I was using names of my own making, which I then couldn't find a way to turn into actual effective folder values.

The other dropdown which changes the folder for the currently edited page is set/changed using a popup edit area, which I was already using for another setting. But I imagine this would work equally well with db_persist, except this would require a submit button and a reload of the page, so I prefer this.
In the end it works in a really much easier way than I expected.

Many thanks for the assistance!