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Is there a way to prevent the Page_hits counter from incrementing when a visitor is refreshes the page whiles already on it? I added the page_hits counter in page view but each time I refreshes the page the counter increments it
That would require a much more complicated solution - one that keeps track of all the pages already viewed by every logged-in user. It is not available by default, I am sorry, but you may try using cookies to do that.
Thank you KK for the feedback. I will just use the default page_hits counter. Now I have another problem:
I have this situation as seen in the image below -
Links.jpg (1001.95 KiB) Viewed 1072 times

I want to use 2 links:
I want Link 1 to go back to the news folder. I used this code but it rather sends me to the list view of all posts from all the folders instead of only the news folder:
Code: Select all
<a href="<cms:show masterpage='folder-view.php' folder=k_folder_id />">Back to list of posts under News folder</a>

I want link 2 to back to the list of all folders: I used this this in the folder view page and its worked:
Code: Select all
<a href="<cms:link masterpage='folders.php' />">Back to folders</a>

How do I go about this
Hey, did you check the exact variable name in the page-view of your single post? I bet it has changed from k_folder_id to k_page_fodlerid. Put a <cms:dump/> to find the correct one. Nevertheless, <cms:link /> requires folder name.
Code: Select all
<a href="<cms:link masterpage='folder-view.php' folder=k_page_foldername />">
Trendoman, thanks for the <cms:dump />. I found the answer
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