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I am facing this problem for the first time.

I have a site (done in Couch V2.0). On my localhost when i put data in richtext region of any page it gets saved and comes back to the admin panel. When I check the front end, the changes are reflected.

When I hosted the same site online HERE and put data in richtext region of any page it gets redirected to the home page of the site. Also, when I check the front end, the changes are NOT reflected.

Please advice.

where innovation meets technology :lol: :mrgreen: Bro, I can't even pronounce this :)

I think it maybe so that form gets redirected to the main page.
So submit button is not working correctly or form has another target. Try to put action with a correct link to form explicitly.
Bro I have not used any kind of form. They are simple editable regions with type richtext
where innovation meets technology
@genxcoders, this could be the 'suhosin' issue (e.g. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9272).
Can you please check if that mod is active on your server?

If that is not the case, is it that you are using <cms:config_form_view> or 'custom admin form' for the problem template? Try disabling that temporarily to see if the issue gets resolved.

Please let me know.
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