Do you have some feature in mind that you'd love to see in Couch? Let us know.
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The plugin can be found in this directory:

So It is included in the install, but not turned on. Is their a simple way to turn this one?

Even better would be to include a bootstrap editor plugin like this one:
Never mind,

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I still think you should enable bootstrap templates in the CKEditors, and give the programmer the ability to turn on/off CKEditor templates for editable regions.

Sure, a programmer could make 50 different page templates for the client to choose from, or they could create one, and then let the client edit the layout of the pages using CKEditor itself.
Is it possible to add the Ckeditor templates plugin in 2020. I've added 'templates' to the extraPlugins list in addons\inline\theme\scripts.php as follows but no new button has appeared on the editor menu.
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editor.config.extraPlugins = 'inlinesave,templates';

Also tried adding
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to addons\inline\inline.php and field.php and tried logging out and in but so far no luck.

@NickW, please google the following and you should get several posts pertaining to this issue; perhaps you'll find something useful in them - 'config.extraPlugins'

This article seems to be most relevant for adding plugins, but no mention of the templates, even though the templates plugin ships with the CouchCMS version of CKEditor. It would be such a useful feature for creating layouts within editable areas.

The 'templates' plugin exists in the includes\ckeditor\plugins folder and in includes\ckeditor\config.js I've added:
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Inside the <cms:editable tag I've added:
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toolbar='custom'[ custom_toolbar='bold, italic, underline, strike, -, subscript, superscript | templates, format ....and others buttons .....'

Then in field.php and addons/inline/inline.php I added the following to the $available_buttons array:
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I've reloaded the web page and then reloaded the admin page and now the templates button shows, brilliant!
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