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Now I'm working on single-page with many fields to manage via cms.

There is any chance to make site like views in admin panel for editing different section?

Displaying all in one page will make big mess.

A design that appears as 'one page' on the front-end need not necessarily mean that the back-end should also be a single template.

Suppose your single-page has 4 sections.
You already have an index.php template. Create a separate template for each of the other three sections e.g. 'about.php', 'contact.php' etc. You can set the executable='0' for these templates as we'll not be accessing them individually from the frontend e.g.
<cms:template executable='0' >..

Create editable regions in all templates as per your requirements.

Finally on index.php, use the cms:pages tag with masterpage set to the other templates to display data from those e.g.
Code: Select all
<h2>ABOUT US</h2>
<cms:pages masterpage='about.php'>

<h2>CONTACT US</h2>
<cms:pages masterpage='contact.php'>

So now with this arrangement, each section has a separate link in the admin-panel. Yet, on the frontend they are all displayed on a single page.

Hope that helps.
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