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When I connect as administrator, the first page that opens is the edit page of the first page that I created on the site. May have can customize this and I set as homepage *.php file which is created by me?
Thank you!
Hi tudor :)

We can use the 'order' parameter of cms:template tag placed in a template to explicitly set where the template gets displayed in the admin sidebar.

The documentation of cms:template tag ( ... plate.html) states -
By default, all the templates defined for a web site are displayed in the admin panel in the order of their creation, the oldest one being on the top. This order can be manipulated by setting this parameter for each template. The smaller the number set as the order, the higher up the template appears in the list.

For example, suppose you have a homepage.php template that you'd like to be shown at the very top, you can use the following
<cms:template title='Homepage' order='-1' >
... you can place editable region definitions in here ...

Since the default order of all templates is '0', setting a value of '-1' will make the template appear as the very first template listed and hence will be the one to be shown when you visit the admin-panel.

Hope this helps.
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